Ok, my analisis:
Problems with your posts: Warcraft 1, you built roads which ment you could buil a road to an enemy base and build right in it. Warcraft 2 death and decay was an amazing and annoying spell, which only rivaled old time polymerization.as for walls, in warcraft 1 you could build em in single and multi player. I remember puting up the greatest defense with walls. In warcraft 1 you could not build towers.
Insight: Roads arn't top much different than what we must use nowadays. If u think about it, you needed to build by a road right? well in SC you needed to build on a creep or by a pylon. And in War3 you needed to build by the blight as undead. These small things as roads are in no way different than now adays so saying roads suck, is dissing the Toss zerg and UD at the same time.
Thank you all for listening.