War3 on low laptop rofl


eSports Player
Jul 15, 2003
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While away from home, I was still able to start war3:

I installed roc&tft and with daemon tools use an image of the tft to mount&not to use a CD. Sometimes I do models or rather, edit models for fun, so if you haven't seen how models look without texture (e.g trees are white & squary they just use a transparent texture to hide the sharp parts) having them on low laptop is the way.

I'm using keys I found online, yes, not mine, that turned out to work in bnet rofl, I only needed keys to install the game and play GG client but GG takes too much time, bnet at least everything's fast. So, I have:

Intel Pentium III 495 MHz, 128 MB RAM, 60 GB HDD

I load slowest and after 1 h the screen becomes white, models without textures even a lightning bolt of Far Seer is a white square. Then the game may freeze, so I shut it down the hard way.

Anyway, I didn't know the default model is low quality, I turnt off Shadow, some sounds and resolution ingame is 640x480x16. Now it is better but still, what else can I reduce to make it run faster and better besides the options in the main menu? There isn't a button for graphics right? They are reduced by the other options like model options, shadows, occlusion, etc.


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
Get a better laptop for one lawl. But I understand that it is an old one you probably had for years.

You can't really reduce the quality and further once all the settings are low.


Retired Staff
Nov 11, 2002
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London, United Kingdom
Go to your video card's settings, perhaps in Display Settings, and kill everything - anti-aliasing, smoothing, etc.

Open up dxdiag and see what else you can kill in there.*


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
Reaction score
Temple Prime, Sarajevo
Wc3 has a bad method of doing anti-aliasing. I know this because I tried it and it crashed my game loading water textures. But then again, that was back when my install was never updated. Usually that option is off for the sake of most GPUs.


eSports Player
Jul 15, 2003
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Duh, I'll buy a new laptop in the future, I have a 2GB ddr, 2 Ghz pentium 4, 300 GB HDD PC at home and that's just for here to make it work better.

I didn't know what I wanted, now I DO KNOW. Ok I reduced what could be reduced, everything's low, in order to make the laptop work better here's what I need:

to make it work in a window! I read that you need to cr8 a shortcut and add -window in the Target field of the shortcut but it said I didn't have DirectX or my CD is not in the cd rom. That happens when I close war3 improperly and try to start it again. The solution is to restart the PC but I have no clue why it doesn't wanna start on smaller window.


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
Reaction score
Temple Prime, Sarajevo
You can use -w. And I was probably the one who told you that. Also, I explained in another thread that sometimes Direct3D shuts off when running in Windows mode (I guess it has something to do with the way Blizzard programs games). To correct the Direct3D problem, add -d3d. This will force the shortcut to execute this program using Direct3D. -opengl does the same thing except in OpenGL, but Blizzard doesnt really do a good job rendering it properly.

I think if you go to Wc3's options and change the resolution size. The size of the window should change with the resolution change. But I believe there was a command that can allow you to preset it, but I think it was only exclusive to a program I am testing this theory on (D2Loader allows you to run said game using 800x600 even though not specified).


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 30, 2002
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options put everything on low. And when I first got war3 i was playing on a p2 with some noob graphic card and 800X600 with a long ass load but it ran okay as for lag ect..


eSports Player
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
I did it - all is low, disabled music&ambient, I never play with game music. Speaking of which I leave the sound effects and dont listen to music coz when someone's creeping I can cj him by hearing a fight near my army on the map.

So all is low, 640x480x16 lowest possible, only sound effects and still the same.Ever since I put Free Ram Optimizer at least it doesn't make white squary trees with white units that ends in freeze of the game and restart pc - the only solution. Still that's 128 RAM it takes 2 mins to load a melee map and 3-4 mins to load a Dota.

Effects: I just see units BLINKING through the map, not walking and saying Yes My Yes My Yes My Lord Lord ord rd.

But I owned 3 newbs with UD, one newb wanted to focus my dk, it died 2-3 times coz after freeze u see him dead but when I bought potion to save my dk I just let my units attack randomly coz I cannot see what happens and he lost. He was orc. Same with the other 2 games. Retarded gaming ftw!

I can't wait to get out a here and to be back home this time to make a break from 4 day flights/bus travels for a looooong time; to start ladder on the powerful 2GB DDR/2Ghz etc. everything good PC and to make 30+ again coz SC2 won't be out soon.


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