Wallpaper contest



The staff at PGtour will be holding a Wallpaper contest to keep everyone busy while everything gets finished up. All works submited will be reviewed by the judges and the best ones will be displayed on the site. The winner recieves a prize of $30 (US).

1. The wallpaper must be related to Starcraft or Warcraft.
2. It must be available in these sizes: 800*600 1024*768 and 1280*960.
3. You cannot submit a work that is not your own.
4. All wallpapers must be submited by March 15th.
5. Participants may submit as many works as they wish assuming they follow the above rules.
6. Peoples may use existing images however the wallpaper must incorporate your own work

Any submitions that do not follow one or more of the rules are automaticaly disqualifiied.

-Note- Any submitions become the property of PGTour.net and may be displayed.

Submit your wallpaper to [Pat] at pat@pgtour.net

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