"1. Can this be done. A virus file that changes its location every time a virus scan is done. Say a virus scan is about to check a certain folder that has the virus in it, can the file move its self to a folder that the virus scanner already checked????? That way evading the virus scanner. "
this is possible, but obviously you wont be able to code something like that just because of the pure fact that you even asked if it was possible.
2. hahahahahaha, that means no. and darknessrises, you dont seem to be the right person to answer these kind of questions. unfortunately you used the words "my friend" in your reply to a question concerning security.
and i dont see why you people
1. reply if you
1.1 have no clue what youre talking abuot
1.2 have nothing wortwhile to add to the discussion
and 1.3 tell the person to ask someone who is not you
2. tell the person to ask ace
2.1 he is spanish
2.2 you yet have to look at his webpage and the l33t h4xor tools he has coded so far.
so much ownage in only one post, you guys should be thankful