Version difference question


Sep 3, 2005
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I only play Diablo LoD on single player. I noticed that my version is 1.07, a far cry from the 1.11 people seem to be running now. I heard though that the difficulty increased greatly from the original version and I'm already getting frog stomped by the monsters enough. Can anyone tell me what differences I'll run in to if I upgrade and what version would be most benefitial for my Druid for me to upgrade to? Will I see better item drops? Even though I have 40% magic find, the best weapon I found so far by level 17 is the staff of kings, and I'm about to have to give that away. I don't see hardly any uniques or rares and only 2 stupid set items.


Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
New York
Here's my advice...

1) Upgrade to v1.11. No more living in the past. Blizzard added all sorts of new things to do and find (runewords, Ubers, etc.).

2) Play multi-player. It's a lot more fun! You can work in teams, share items, etc. Plus, if you ever want to play solo for a bit, then just throw a password on your game and you're good to go.

3) 40% MF is still very low. I wouldn't expect it to make much of a difference. You have 3 options here... A) wear more MF gear B) trade items/runes/gems/etc with people in multi-player games C) make a game called "Plz brg free" and have richer people throw you something.
- Don't even mention buying items with real money off of E-Bay. Just play the game and it'll all come with time.


Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
Garden Grove, CA
you only lvl 17 in act 2, dont expect to find shit until after level 70+ in hell difficulty


Aug 7, 2005
Reaction score
Unles you are on a very crappy dial up I sugest upgradeing and playing on bnet.I started playing as you are now. I wish I would have changed sooner. For one thing you dont have synergies in 1.07.
In 1.10 they brought out synergies. By placeing skill points in some skills you make others stronger. An example of this is a hammerdin. Points placed in Vigor and blessed aim add 14% more damage per skill point to blessed hammer.
There is also a lot of uniqes and rune words were added in 1.09 -1.11. You can bring the same merc into diffrent act's. Baal runs can add 20 levels in a couple hours. Last but not least is the ladder.
There are some draw backs. You have to perm the character with 2 hours of play. Then you have to play that character once every 90 days. But it isnt that hard.
Do yourself a favor and start playing online today. Make a Ladder character. When the seasons over you can still play it as it will transfer into the non ladder population.
40% mf is nothing. Mf improves your chances of finding a magic item. If the monster has a 1% chance of droping a rare item and you have 40% mf it has a 1.4% chance of droping a rare. The best items will not come untill late nightmare or hell mode.
That you are not killing anything isnt suprising. What you have is the start of a character. Most dont get good untill nightmare. Planing skills is important. Placeing skills at the right time and in the right places can change everything. The worst idea is to place 1 skill point in everything.
One last thing. To see what you are missing out on and to give you a source of information the Arreat Summit is a must save web site. its the official Diablo 2 info site.


Praetoris Maximus
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
It is indeed much harder, so if you dont have access to the net on the computer in question, i wouldnt upgrade. Beating D2 solo in 1.10+ would take thousands of hours of manual runs.


Sep 3, 2005
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Re: Everybody

I see lots of different ideas here, but maybe the information I gave is wrong...My Diablo LoD Play CD says "1.07" on the front of it, but I have synergies, my merc follows me to each act, I have rune least I know I could make Pledge of the Ancients (One of the rewards in Act 5 instructs it), and I can transmute runes in my horadric cube to obtain the next level rune. Is the version on the Play CD not what you're all talking about when you discuss versions? There's no way I downloaded a patch. I've never connected to BattleNet and this computer is barely 3 weeks old. (And I have no desire to connect to BattleNet at this point. I tried it before. It's really not the cooperative play I was hoping for. People seem more self-possessed and cut-throat than anything) I've been planning my Druid around syngeries, because I hope he'll make it through Hell like my Paladin didn't. Besides answering the question that belongs in this thread, can anyone tell me how many points are worth dumping in to Dire Wolves or Grizzly (suggestions for which are appreciated) IF I want to work up Lyncanthropy, Werewolf, Fury, and Heart of the Wolverine. I like to run up and hit stuff, but I think some extra help would do me some good. I just don't want to get that help at the expense of my ability to run up and hit stuff. On the version I run, are summons worth a damn? Is 5 points in to them that much better than 1? Should I ditch heart of the wolverine in favor dumping 20 points in to one of them? A clue is sure appreciated guys.


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