Re: Everybody
I see lots of different ideas here, but maybe the information I gave is wrong...My Diablo LoD Play CD says "1.07" on the front of it, but I have synergies, my merc follows me to each act, I have rune least I know I could make Pledge of the Ancients (One of the rewards in Act 5 instructs it), and I can transmute runes in my horadric cube to obtain the next level rune. Is the version on the Play CD not what you're all talking about when you discuss versions? There's no way I downloaded a patch. I've never connected to BattleNet and this computer is barely 3 weeks old. (And I have no desire to connect to BattleNet at this point. I tried it before. It's really not the cooperative play I was hoping for. People seem more self-possessed and cut-throat than anything) I've been planning my Druid around syngeries, because I hope he'll make it through Hell like my Paladin didn't. Besides answering the question that belongs in this thread, can anyone tell me how many points are worth dumping in to Dire Wolves or Grizzly (suggestions for which are appreciated) IF I want to work up Lyncanthropy, Werewolf, Fury, and Heart of the Wolverine. I like to run up and hit stuff, but I think some extra help would do me some good. I just don't want to get that help at the expense of my ability to run up and hit stuff. On the version I run, are summons worth a damn? Is 5 points in to them that much better than 1? Should I ditch heart of the wolverine in favor dumping 20 points in to one of them? A clue is sure appreciated guys.