Premium Member
Arriving at my house on or before this coming up Thursday! Hell. Yes.
Eh? I never heard of the left handed thing. I'm left handed, and so far, I've never experienced that my experiences with i-phones has been very disappointing. For the price they are sold for and the preferred target audience (everyone..) they just aren't worth it. I usually use my phone for general business purposes and obviously the social aspect of it. I just don't need something as over priced and fragile as an i phone. Best part about it? tonnes of apps. that's kind of cool i suppose.. but I guess since I'm left handed I cant really use it as a phone 'cause it kept dropping my calls. Blackberries are relatively cheap and reliable.. good for what I need a smartphone for. BBM'ing can completely nullify any sort of sms or mms plan which can save you money. Also. R.I.M is a Canadian company.. So i gotta throw out my support!
Some iPhone 4 models dropping calls when held left-handed, including ours (Update: Apple responds) -- EngadgetEh? I never heard of the left handed thing. I'm left handed, and so far, I've never experienced that problem..
I'm watching it right now. It's on commercial break :heart:Also, Roach, I'm not sure if you've watched the new House of tonight yet but it's pretty good.