Well I managed to train myself a few months ago and now I play kinda weekly. I have alot of bad stats because my internet connection is really bad in my area and I get massive lags. Of course apart from this laggy games which are kinda often, I get beat by some tough players, but I win against them also.
I have alot of non-spam APM in every game, almost 200, I control my units far more better than I did a while ago and I always play random now. I will try maybe this winter vacation to get the Illidan icon, now I have sheva. Unfortunately I think I will never have the time to become a decent pro player.
Aici scrisesem altceva, sorry, credeam ca fac astia caterinca legat de faptul ca esti fata. Am citit acum articolul de pe blogul ala de la mym. Imi poti da si mie un nume de canal sau ceva cind intri sa stau si eu spec la citeva din meciurile tale? Imi poti da un contact ceva? am sa fiu pertinent sa stii.
Upwords uncomprehensive stuff is in our native language which is romanian, I know vbad is from Romania.
hehe nope nu faceau caterica, sunt unul din membri vechi ai acestiu forum. Mai vin pe aici pt ca practic acest forum a fost poarta mea de lansare si unul din motivele pt care am ajuns acum unde sunt.
pai daca vrei pe IRC: pe quakenet #wnv . Pe mine ma gasesti mai putin acolo pe canal in general stau pe #wc3.mym, #ngl2-team si #wc3l-players. la ultimele 2 nu poti intra ca sunt cu pass. Eu chair nu sunt jucator si ForgeD are dreptate sunt manager de echipa iar de stat ca obsy ma tem ca nu e posibil. regulile interzic si sunt destul de stricte dar pe poti uita pe waaghtv sau ggtv
. incearca sa fii pe faza:
cat despre conexiune nu stiu de unde esti (oras) dar astralul are ping bun si stabil. eu sunt pe abonamentul de 29de euro si imi merge excelent. n-am probleme.
Translation (in respect for forum members )
The weren't joking when they were saying that I am a girl . I am an old forum member and i still come here from time to time because this forum is one of the many reasons why i have end up where I am now.
If you want to find us on irc try at :#wnv @quakenet. I stay less in that chan and you can find me more in #wc3.mym, #ngl2-team si #wc3l-players (last 2 are pw protected). I really am not a player and ForgeD was right, I am a team manager not an actual player. You cant unfortunately obsy the matches live as the leagues hold strict rules regarding that but you can watch the matches via waaghtv and ggtv. try to stay tunned by checking these links"
As for your connection I am not sure in which town you reside but I can recommend you the internet plan offered by Astral. I have the 29Euro package, stable and problems free.