First Ladder Char status...
well my USWest sc L char is a wind druid, and his status for skills and stats (Base) are as follows:
1 ac (arctic blast)
20 ca (cyclone armor)
20 twister
20 tornado
20 hurricane
16 oak sage
Items used:
Helm:1 soc wolf helm: 1 to carrion vine, 2 to oak sage.(flawless sapp.)
Armor: Trangs.
Shield1: Milabriga's orb
Shield 2:3 soc large, 1 flawed and 1 chipped diamond, 1 ruby. 13 def.
Weap 1: incomplete spirit broad sword (missing Amn).
Weap 2:Culwens Point war sword.
Gloves: Deaths hand
Boots: rite of passage.
Charecter lvl: 86.
I know that this char sucks ass, but this is my first char on ladder, and I'm trying to make him be able to get at least 1 enigma, 1 spirit (shield) for when the ladder resets. I may decide that I need to make a sorc. If anyone has any thoughts that they would like to make known to me, I would appreciate the critisism, whether good or bad.