When you open a .scm file in MPQ2K how do you extract triggers and make it into a mpq?. If you knew how on the PC version..would it be the same on the Mac OS X version?.
It's exactly the same on OSX. It's been so long since I've used it, but I think you're talking about extracting the chk, right? If you're exporting triggers, you can do that in StarEdit. If you're trying to get it into GUEdit, then it's the chk you want. I'm not sure why you would "make it into a mpq," as far as I know the maps themselves are already mopaqs.
I want to use a trigger for a modification in a mpq to starcraft. I've got to the point of extracting the .chk...but i dont know what to do after that. I tried loading it into the starcraft mac patch, but it didnt do anything. So would you know how to do it?.
I don't understand what you're trying to to. The .chk is the map's data, so I don't know why you would be putting map data into the patch. I also don't understand what you're doing with the trigger, or why it needs to be in the patch. If you're trying to mod something, either use Resedit or export data from the patch itself, modify it, and then put it back. Are you trying to edit your map as if you were using some PC editor?
I am seeing if I can extract the triggers for example:"Turn on vision for player 8" and put it into a mod and see if it works. Just an experiment, not for gameplay. Would this work?.
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