Rules, Time, and Bracket for Tuesday 2vs2 Team Tournament (Credits given to Marvel)
- No Hacks of any kind (Including Maphack except for judges)
- No mercs or minions that can’t be cast in town, wells, shrines, or potions
- Duels take place in hell
- Using 160%resist shields DO count as one absorb. Only under 90% resist will not be seen as an absorb.
- Leaving the Designated dueling area during a duel is considered a loss.
- Antidote pots are banned. Maximum of 25% poison reduce is allowed. % max poison resist + poison length reduced is banned.
- Any +% absorb item will count as 1 absorb. (i.e ohm/vex/Lo will count as one each(for that element))
- Guardian Angel will not be allowed.
- No more than 25 Life Replenish is allowed on any character.
- A maximum of 200 poison damage is allowed from charms for all melee characters, and none are allowed for Amazons.
- Die facets are not allowed in team duels.
- No use of % chance or skill charges for amp damage or lifetap
- No Bone Prison usage
- No lagging spells (Blaze, Vines, etc)
- Holy Bolt/Fists of the Heavens healing is banned
- Skills that require a corpse, (corpse explosion, death sentry, etc) are banned
- Only 1 x 15-70 is allowed
- Anything that castes slow will not be allowed
- Bm/disrespect/hacks will result in a disqualification
- Necros are limited to one absorb of each element.
- Usage of Marrowwalks will be allowed.
- Amazons may use 2 absorb items per element. (i.e hotspurs+dwarf or tgods+wisp is allowed.)
- An Amazon utilizing a bow may have no more than 200 faster run/walk at any given time.
- No absorb of any kind is allowed whatsoever for the Sorceress.
Excluding nightwings which has 5-9.
- Maximum of 90% resist is allowed on sorceress. (+15% max.)
- Elemental Druids are limited to one absorb of each element.
- No casting vines
- Melee druids may use 2 absorbs of each element.
- Rabies druids may not use any poison off charms.
WW/Kick Assassin-
- The skill venom is allowed. No poison off charms is allowed
- Duel-claw sins may use maximum of 1 absorb.
- WW / kick assassins that do not use claw block may use 2.
- Trappers may use 2 absorbs of each element.
- Trappers may use 85% max resists (fire and lightning), and at most +20 absorb for trap vs trap.
- Barbarians are limited to 2 absorbs of each element.
- Barbs may not whirlwind lock on purpose in team duels.
- Barbs may use battle-orders on others in team duels.
- Maximum of 2 absorbs is allowed per each element for all types of Paladins.
Rules may be changed if any problem arises. Let me warn you know, if you intend to bm or cheat in anyway you will be disqualified and humilated.
Thank You. There is one rule however that you must follow at all time "HAVE FUN"
1. DemonicWhispers and VladDracul V.S. L.3.3.t and Heeroyuy_ml
2. Run-pluto and Run-smoke V.S. Insane_kronic and China.won
3. Esc.crazy and F.a.t.e V.S. Extacy- and NecroPk
4. Cry-18noma and Anthrax V.S. Double and F.e.a.R
5. AnalSphinctor and Cmeptb V.S. OG-Returned and OG-Dank
6. PoA-JayXele and GIMP-Ology V.S. Sukmesideways and Chargedbolt
7. Azn-Invasion and Azn-Cuteness V.S. Frost-PvP and Badasmofo103
8. Insane_Yoshi and Ehgkwok V.S. COTA-GodlyOne and SlpKnt666
First match will begin on June 29, 2004 around 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Be ready in channel Op D2tourney for your match. Anyone not there will be given a time limit of 1 minute to respond and get in the game.
First to 3
Matches of 20 minutes
After 20 minutes the team with the most wins is declared winner.