USEAST ladder ironman tourny 12:30 estrn



thought this would be fun, last night i did it with some people from forums. you can win a lot. i posted this today in forums as well. we have 2/8 people so far so if u want to join post.


Meet in channel: forum ironman

5 minutes before (12:25)

How to get in:

-You must donate an item to the pot (USeast ladder pot). Winner of the tournament wins the entire pot. The item can’t be low lvl. It has to be good.
-You must follow all of the rules.
-Once you have donated and you are allowed in, you make a Hardcore Ladder char and then we start.

Rules before duel:

-We will all lvl together until Den of Evil is beat.
-After Den of Evil is beat, separate parties of two will be made to lvl to lvl 9.
-While leveling, you can do quests. You can’t do Blood raven.
-If you want the Charsi quest, you must pay 3000 gold to the group who got the Malus (1,500 gold to both people).
-No hacks such as maphack shall be used to get to places and lvl.

Rules during duel:

-Once everyone is lvl 9, everyone hostiles everyone and stands in a line at inside border of town. Also, everyone allowed loot to everyone. I will then explain the boundaries so people don’t go running everywhere.
-The duel is STRICTLY MELEE. Anyone caught using a non-melee move will be disqualified to that tournament.
-No mercs are allowed.
-Shrines are allowed and mana pots are allowed. life pots arent.
-You are allowed to team up with someone (as in not hurt them), but you cannot ally.
-Winner of the duel with get the items that were used to enter.
-All else, have fun!


sorry for double posting but just to let you guys know it starts within 10 minutes, after this thread is gone can a mod plz void it. thanks

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