US-West Non Ladder Softcore- trading


Aug 15, 2005
Reaction score

I play non-ladder sc us-west, im looking to buy a last wish zerk ( any ed ) for 20hi, a eny ed greif zerk or phase blade for 20hi.

I also have a various of ites for trade. some are

Uped 175 arrets
Mang song lession
2 pally offence gcs
kiras ( i have ones with many different res )
IK armor
eth shako
eth 6soc thunder maul ( good for ebotd thunder maul)
6 soc non eth zerk axe
couple nec sommon gcs ( 3 or 4 )
2 druid shape gcs
2 nec cure gcs
1-2 zon bowa gcs
BK ring ( bul katoes )
19str / 48ed steel rends
2 tal ammys
eth dracs
1 light sorce gc
1 barb war cry gc
1 barb mastery
keys in 1 or 2 weeks :yum :grunt :shoot :redeye
5soc runemaster
2 nature peaces
andys visage
tal armor
earth shifter
+2 skill templars might
IF u need eny of these items leave a message with ur account and what items yah need and what ur offering and ill get back to yah

if ur bored or just wanna have a great time leave a message with ur account and what time..and whell make a game and have a lil pk match ( i use smiter, ww baba, hammerdin , light sorce ) :shoot :yum

also i no most all prices on items so if u need a item price for the median just leave a message man ;)


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