Upgraded items?


May 28, 2005
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im not sure what upgraded item means, but to upgrade it do i have to used one of the cube forumlas to do it? or is it something else

Wing Zero

lol just as planned
Oct 27, 2002
Reaction score
1 Lum Rune + 1 Pul Rune + 1 Perfect Emerald + Exceptional Unique Weapon = Elite Version of Weapon (Ladder Only)
This formula changes the base item type from the exceptional to elite version. For example a Cleaver is turned into a Small Crescent. This does NOT convert the item to the Elite Unique version of the Exceptional Unique Item. Unique item bonuses remain the same; only the item it's based on is upgraded. This can be used to upgrade Ethereal Items also. They will continue to be Ethereal after they are upgraded. You cannot do this formula unless you are using a Ladder Character. Also if the item is socketed, then jewels or runes and their mods will also remain.

1 Ko Rune + 1 Lem Rune + 1 Perfect Diamond + Exceptional Unique Armor = Elite Version of Armor (Ladder Only)
This formula changes the base item type from the exceptional to elite version. For example Ghost Armor is turned into a Dusk Shroud. This does NOT convert the item to the Elite Unique version of the Unique Item. Unique item bonuses remain the same; only the item it's based on is upgraded. This can be used to upgrade Ethereal Items also. They will continue to be Ethereal after they are upgraded. You cannot do this formula unless you are using a Ladder Character. Also if the item is socketed, then jewels or runes and their mods will also remain. Armor refers to any sort of armor, including helms, boots, belts, gloves and shields, not just body armor.

basicly liek say i have a Titans Ceremonial Javelin
I can up Grade the wepon to the next class
a Matriarchal Javelin giving me more damage

Samething with Herald Of Zakarum Guilded Sheild
the next class would be a Zakarum Shield and makes
it have more Defence and if u Umed the shild the um is still htere

for item classes


jmcn R

Aug 1, 2005
Reaction score
i would just like to add to this for people looking into such a thing that there are alot of Normal Uniques that go heavily neglected after level 40 that can be given new life if that simple and cheap recipe is applied.

just a bit of a thought.

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