I looked in the script and it said to make sure it properly disables pickit at the beginning of mephbot run, it doesnt load properly and I'm not sure how to fix it.. I dont know if im using old pickit, i just have what came in the pwnagepindle package :\ I was going to test if i did have old version by following the instructions in the script file: "If you use an older version of
// Pickit, be sure and set oldpickit=true; (in section below)." but then i kept scrolling down and down and ..whaddya know.. there's nothing said about an "oldpickit=" anything..
Can anyone help me out? =) thx
// Pickit, be sure and set oldpickit=true; (in section below)." but then i kept scrolling down and down and ..whaddya know.. there's nothing said about an "oldpickit=" anything..
Can anyone help me out? =) thx