Unhandled Exeption On D2?


Jul 11, 2003
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Explanation of problem
LordNevar said:
This error is the "failed to decompress sprite error". This is caused by the 3D acceleration software failing to load properly and has been the cause of many peoples problems since the game released. This is caused by a corrupt installation of the games video files. This is a common error and happens more than often to some people. Battle.net's only real fix for this is to reinstall the game. Another fix for this that I seemed to notice it by doing a full install with the Cinematics as well, this seems to be a very good fix for this as I have had no problems with this and have heard of no reports of anyone having this problem with the cinematics installed.

LordNevar said:
These resolutions are not 100% but have been tested to work in aspect to resolve the issue or to just hide it. Either way I have had no reports of anyone having these problems anymore after trying these fixes.


Warcraft III - Rename the Movies folder in your Wacraft directory and run the game. After you run the game, and you no longer recieve the error, rename the folder back to it's original name and enjoy.

Diablo II - Do a full install with the Cinematics. This error should resolve and go away.

Starcraft - Create a game, turn off unit animations. Leave game, and create and join another, than turn them back on.

Since these are there 3 most popular played games, that seem to construct this error. Than these are the only games I will post ways to fix this and or get around it. If anyone has a problem with there other games, than please post them here and I will try to find a resolve for those as well.
Good luck to thoose with this problem.


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