BattleForums Senior Member
I think it's time for a nerf on that race. K thnx.
three armys is quite impossible. You overestiamte the abilities of the necromancer. As for NE vs Ud, hunts own ghouls and fiends tier 1. if ur stupid u let them get to tier 2. they get to tier 2 u get archers and hippos for gargs and not to mention fan of knives own gargs hard. impossible to beat? no it takes skill and practise, i dont play ne and i have done it. OMG skill? u cant jsut turn on a maphack in a game theroy and expect to win.Originally posted by Theroy
No undead is just overpowered literally I can take three armies with 2 meat wagons a few gouls stautues and necros. Fiends and statues with some gargs rape anything Nightelf. Hell gargs rape anything Nightelf.
Lv 20 player winning with out a hero is pretty bad I tried the start my self works pretty good. Beat a level 30 orc player that has to tell you something about the race. And destroiers are like gg human.
Gargs= gg Nightelf
Destroiers= gg human
Fiends/statues= gg orc
Meatwagons/Necros= there cheese to use anytime
No race should be able to have perfect nearly impossible to counter strats for every race. I mean they are the only race that does. Undead has a 90% advantage against Elf there's no reason for an Undead player to lose to anything but chims but that's what gargs are for -_-.
yeah i wish there were uncounterable strats. idiot, the game is balanced. What you dont realize, is ud has moved up from being the least pwoered race in the game (the ways its been since 1.00) making it an even playing field, but now suddenly u have to work for an ud win. 1.15 is the most balanced patch.No race should be able to have perfect nearly impossible to counter strats for every race.
Actually when we at he usally goes necros but w/e...if u say necros cant be beaten, u should jsut quit right now. you do not realize how incredibly hard it is to pull of the necrowagon. why? cause ur a NE palyer, naturaly u mass tier 1 units.
[*/quote] tag
Anyways, UD is rigged in a way, *COUGH*hero nuke*COUGH*
I was talking bout solo, but 2v2 at will make a good example. if u tech to it, your scerewed by a rush. if u slowly move to it, the opponent will probly be full teched and u wont be able to get to it. im talking about skilled palyers of course, not the mickeymouse competition you guys are prolly used to in ur clan hack.Actually when we at he usally goes necros but w/e...
Originally posted by Theroy
Uhm fiends own the **** out of hunts. And noobian towers with a spirit tower makes rushes nearly impossible next patch that race will take a big hit and once again Elf will own. Enjoy the massive imbalance of the race while you can.
omg i gave one example and u expect that to be the be all end all? I have seen it done very well. tnaks and priests with any hero owns destroyers, u just need skill. hawks though human players bitch still own destroyers, i have seen it done."tanks + rifles + paladin>gg destroyers"
Holy shit takes a hero choice some rifles and some tanks to counter one of the undead units!!!? Holy shit yup balance is clearly there. Fiends own tanks and rifles. Plus the three hero's will rip apart anything.
spoken like a noobelf whos never palyed ud. try it, i dare you. wyverns alone own fiends. web? dont make me laugh, only reason i can beat it with fiends is when my opponent sucks. undead has little chance against orc with wyverns. web does shit. wyverns range is to good. when they are webed, they still focus on your fiends. "but undead has imbalanced coil" please, coil heals shit, especialy with hex, or stomp going on with orcs heros. no web does shit."wyverns+bats>fiends+statues"
Yes web dosen't work....
Did i put in plus signs? did i say u needed this? no it was a ****ing example. gargs have ****ing unarmored. hippos still own gargs. aww nuke? it already got nerfed in the last patch. there is this magical shop, you know the one NE build called the ancient of wonders. what were those items? oh yeah anti magic potion and staff of sanctuary NE has exclusively for them, and potions. ever heard of using something to counter a nuke?"archers, hippos, drayds, dott fan of knives > gargs"
Not only does that cost 4 times as much it also requires a hero choice. And a simple nuke takes her out in 2 seconds Nova coil coil she dies.
please dont make me laugh, the forums is worse than this forum, its a plase for all the noobs to cry and bitch cause they suck completely. You know why that forum oppinions dont matter? everyone there sucks, cause all the good palyers are on bnet learning to counter shit and getting better."yeah i wish there were uncounterable strats. idiot"
Obviously it's not "idiot" just because undead is blantley over powered fourms is filled with it.
lets see, Ne has always been the most overpowered race.their heros have been tweaked beyond recognition, dryads, hunts, archers, chims, hippo archers, even the goddamn wisp needed a nerf a few patches back. what did undead have in ROC? Ghouls that is it, abombs have sucked up until this patch, wyrms were never worth it like chims were, the casters have always been shit till recently, banshee got huge unneeded nerfs over the last few patches. possession overpowered? yeah right, banshee is so incredibly weak. ever heard of focus fire? yeah instant counter." is ud has moved up from being the least pwoered race in the game "
Ud has been over powered in patch 1.00 1.03 1.04 1.15. And it was always the banshee and the necro. gargs until we got the beastmaster and the Demon hunter with the 100 manaburn at lv 1.
omg a level 30? he must know everything. You even saw me beat a level 45, perfect example that high elvels dont mean shit!"priets>necros"
No it's not. I've seen high level players play. The wagons eat the casters and raise there corpses there's to much dispell involved. lv 30 human vs some lv 35 undead player. all he used was a lich too
most orcs scout with wolves anyways, and most orcs unless they mass wyverns get a voodoo lounge,lodge anyways. Not to mention lusted taurens with orc heros that have the lightning orbs still completely destroy skellys."spirit wlakers>necros"
No... You don't get necros on orc anyways till they are far in there tiers to go back and by that time it's to late.
lets see, wisps have a huge aoe, and only two? aww boohoo noobelves dont get wisps that dispel with one. sides, FD with good micro and an intellegnet player wll destroy necros."wisps + FD>necros"
That dosen't work it takes two wisps to kill thoes things in the back and the skeleton are always raised before battle unless your a retard.
glaive throwers. but hell, lets talk abouto other races defence. You cant fight NE in their base, because moonwells make all your efforts worthless. plus all their buildings attack you as you run past not to mention you can hide your wisps accross the map, and they are protected in your little entangled mine. yeah that is great. Orc have untouchable bases with burrows and towers. heavy armor? yeah right by the time u take down a burrow, you have already got like 3 units in red, and then the FS comes out with wolves and focus on shit. not to mention the peons who repair. Humans? what was the old thing for the human castle? "bells ringing MILITIA..." omg peasents that turn into slightly weaker footmen and a tower that drains mana but wait theres more, the tower can now be repaired faster!!!!!. wow undead has a tower that slows you down and deals a whole 5 damage. what do spirit towers cost? 150 zigs and the upgrade that is almost 300 gold. omg impalanced! zigs got a ****ing nerf anyways. oh yeah forgot the fact our acolytes are on the outside of the mine, and unlike all other three races, stay on the outside and get sniped the quickest, fastest and easiest."poor rushing"
Noobian towers and spirit towers. Remove thoes from Undead then you can talk about rushing ^_^