Here is my warcry barb, try it out:
20 War Cry
20 Taunt
20 BO
20 Howl
20 Battle Cry
1 Battle Command
1 Natural Resistance
1 Increased Speed
dual hotos
shako w/ um
rings - sojs, raven, whisp, dwarf star
belt - tgods, arachnid
lots of war cry charms
Act 1 merc with wf, bramble, andy's visage
Just tport on top of you enemy and spam war cry. Simple as that for most opponents. The war cry stun locks (similar to mind blast) and if they do escape your merc will pick them off. My current singer is at lvl 84. He has lvl 42 war cry that does 1800 physical damage without all synergies maxed. With lvl 42 BO and lvl 4 oak sage he has 4.1k life and thorns aura to help combat chargeadins and wwers. I'm pretty impressed with the build and think its worth the time if you can afford.