Originally posted by icastbigspells
but since there is only 1 of them he has to be uber so he can take emm all out and he got dreds so he kicks ass i bett
I don't know, in that "Face Off" Clip, one of the "uber" Preds wasn't watching his back, and an Alien shoved his tail through his back, and picked him....but, he was badass, cause he just stared back into the Aliens eyes(er..face, Aliens have no eyes) and snarled, but, I think Aliens will win. Haven't you seen that scene where they're on top of the pyramid, 3 Preds on top, 1,000 aliens crawling up the sides to kill them? Aliens have a silent hunting instinct, it's not a game to them.
Also, in the other clip, a Pred uses his wrist blades to slice off the tail of an Alien, and his acid blood ****s up the blades. So, obviously, the Pred's weaponry isn't impervious. Maybe it'll be like in SC: Brood War, the Humans'll find a switch in the pyramid and kill both off. (Yes I know in SC:BW it was Protoss, not Humans)