Trigger woes


Jun 8, 2003
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Alright so I'm making a bound, I've barely started, but I want to put in something (that doesn't contribute to the bound itself). I'm trying to spawn 20 zerglings each for player 7 and player 8 (both computers) on a 1x1 square (burrowed, of course). Then I'm trying to get them to unburrow and attack each other, and if one dies (they kill each other in a few hits) another is instantly made and unburrows and fights again. The only problem is, I can't seem to get it to work. First of all, I can't even get it to MAKE the 20 units each, it simply makes 1 for one player and then doesn't make any others. Maybe there's something obvious that I'm missing..

I'm trying to get them to unburrow by giving the units to the other player repeatedly, because I've read that unburrows units. Obviously they aren't allied...I don't know what to do though. I'll upload my map so if anyone can tell me what to change (or just change them, but the first would be easier so I could easily see what they're doing.) This is really irritating that not even a simple spawn trigger is working....

Edit: Gah, forgot to upload. There's a few things I think might be immediately wrong with the bound (I'm almost sure of it) but I have to eat so not gonna change them now before I upload it to you, battleforums.

Edit II: Alright, I've gotten it to create units, but for some reason it's not burrowing them when it makes them. I've made sure it's researched and everything. Uploading new map, removing old one.

Edit III: I know I need to fix stacked letters, turn off random start location, fix terrain and stuff still, but why isn't "create units with properties" and setting burrow making it create them burrowed?

Edit IV: Well, I don't know why but it wasn't spawning normal lings burrowed even with it researched by default, but setting them to devouring ones fixed the problem. Only now I have 2 new problems: 1. they won't stop spawning after it reaches 20. It keeps spawning them and killing them right away. Also, the damn things still won't unburrow...*new map attached*

I give up. If anyone can make them stop spawning after they reach 20 but never have less or more than 20 then please do. And please tell me how to unburrow lings and get them to attack. D:

Edit V: Well, I didn't give up. The problem was I still had some conditions set to the old units so it kept spawning them. Now I'm not sure if it's spawning the 20 like I want, though, and I still can't get it unburrowed. I don't think it's spawning 20 of each because the give player isn't triggering, but when someone reads this they can try and see what the problem is.

Edit VI: Wait. I got it to work now. lol, diregard everything. It's not EXACTLY how I wanted it but it's very close. Removed bound since it looks crappy :p


Furyan Merc
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
Alright so I'm making a bound, I've barely started, but I want to put in something (that doesn't contribute to the bound itself). I'm trying to spawn 20 zerglings each for player 7 and player 8 (both computers) on a 1x1 square (burrowed, of course). Then I'm trying to get them to unburrow and attack each other, and if one dies (they kill each other in a few hits) another is instantly made and unburrows and fights again. The only problem is, I can't seem to get it to work. First of all, I can't even get it to MAKE the 20 units each, it simply makes 1 for one player and then doesn't make any others. Maybe there's something obvious that I'm missing..

I'm trying to get them to unburrow by giving the units to the other player repeatedly, because I've read that unburrows units. Obviously they aren't allied...I don't know what to do though. I'll upload my map so if anyone can tell me what to change (or just change them, but the first would be easier so I could easily see what they're doing.) This is really irritating that not even a simple spawn trigger is working....

Edit: Gah, forgot to upload. There's a few things I think might be immediately wrong with the bound (I'm almost sure of it) but I have to eat so not gonna change them now before I upload it to you, battleforums.

Edit II: Alright, I've gotten it to create units, but for some reason it's not burrowing them when it makes them. I've made sure it's researched and everything. Uploading new map, removing old one.

Edit III: I know I need to fix stacked letters, turn off random start location, fix terrain and stuff still, but why isn't "create units with properties" and setting burrow making it create them burrowed?

Edit IV: Well, I don't know why but it wasn't spawning normal lings burrowed even with it researched by default, but setting them to devouring ones fixed the problem. Only now I have 2 new problems: 1. they won't stop spawning after it reaches 20. It keeps spawning them and killing them right away. Also, the damn things still won't unburrow...*new map attached*

I give up. If anyone can make them stop spawning after they reach 20 but never have less or more than 20 then please do. And please tell me how to unburrow lings and get them to attack. D:

Edit V: Well, I didn't give up. The problem was I still had some conditions set to the old units so it kept spawning them. Now I'm not sure if it's spawning the 20 like I want, though, and I still can't get it unburrowed. I don't think it's spawning 20 of each because the give player isn't triggering, but when someone reads this they can try and see what the problem is.

Edit VI: Wait. I got it to work now. lol, diregard everything. It's not EXACTLY how I wanted it but it's very close. Removed bound since it looks crappy :p
Good to see you worked it out, sort of. If you need any more help with it, let me know. I know triggers inside and out, I can do just about anything.


Jun 8, 2003
Reaction score
Well my first question is is there anyway way just to get zerg units to burrow and unburrow? Other than that there's 2 other things. I attached a map and in it if you fly over turrets and stuff they become yours, yet the color remains different. It seems like maybe it's player 12 owned units and then it's given to you if you come close enough? Why does the color remain different?

Also, what color is that used for Corsair? It seems kinda blue greenish but I don't think I've ever seen text that color before. (Although I've just gotten back from not playing for a long time but I'm pretty sure none are THAT color in xtra editor).

Edit: Attached my bound. I kinda got rid of the zergling killing each other thing, now they just are all on top of each other. But anyway, I have a trigger like

Condition: Switch 2 is set.
Switch 3 is cleared.
Action: <all the stuff to make a bound level>.
Preserve Trigger.

And then one like

Condition: Player 1 brings exactly 1 Zergling to 'level end'.
Switch 2 is set.
Action: Clear switch 2.
Set switch 3.
Move all any unit owned by Force 1 to 'move lings here'.

(I have this one for all players)

Yet for some reason, after the second trigger goes off, and clears switch 2 and sets switch 3, the bound level still keeps going...How do I fix this? The map is uploaded so you can see it for yourself. It just doesn't make sense to me..=/ I never had this problem before when I made a bound..maybe it's because I'm doing a "level up" type bound instead of one where there's land designed for each specific level or something. I must be missing something obvious I have to do in this case for it to be not working.


Furyan Merc
Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
For the Scourge Chase map...

It is protected. As an "expert" mapper, I un-protected it to see how it was setup by the maker. I have to say, it is a poorly made map.
First, Player 7(usually white on most terrains) is Dark Aqua(Player 12/Neutral's color). Player 7 also controls the turrets. The thing is, there is NO location over ANY of the turrets, in fact there are only TWO locations to spawn the Scourges. There isn't even any trigger set up for Player 7 at ALL.
Second, Player 8(usually yellow on most terrains) is an odd color, 17 to be exact(in SCMDraft 2.0 anyway)

Summary: Map is crap.

As for your bound...

I clear the first level just fine.
It goes to level 2...
I get past level 2 easy enough...

I can see why you are frustrated, level two isn't stopping, and as far as I can tell it should be. You've done all the triggers/switches right, I don't see any contradicting triggers (ie a trigger for P1 says Clear lvl2 and Set lvl3, while a trigger for P2 says Set lvl2 and Clear lvl3) anywhere. Level 2 should stop as soon as you get that blasted ling to the end, but it isn't.

I tried everything I know how to do to try to fix this, from the mundane to the highly advanced, I even added the third level to see if that would fix it, but it didn't. Something is screwy here and I'll be damned if I can find it. Oh yeah, this is going to annoy the hell out of me, just like when I was making bounds and this shit happened to me. ><

Sorry dude, I'll keep working on this to see if I can find something to fix it.


Jun 8, 2003
Reaction score
Haha! I knew I wasn't crazy! >_< Yeah I was thinking maybe I could just add something for switch 3 and maybe that would fix it, but it didn't. Maybe switch 2 or 3 is just messed up? I dunno why/how that would happen, but I guess I could just try putting level 2 as the 4th switch or some random switch to see if that helps. Probably won't but anything is worth a shot at this point.

But what color is the corsairs in the scourge map? This is gonna drive me crazy, meh I guess I could just unprotect it myself and see what it is and if it matches with any of the things you can copy/paste in x-tra editor. Maybe it's one of the colors there but for some reason I've never noticed it/used it.


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