yes... i did chek the conditions... by testing for the existence of
"a" map revealer... of "any" map revealer... it simply isn't there...
(i used the repeating trigger if All players bring at least 1 map revealer to
location, then display to PLAYERSTEAM "All players brings at least 1 map revealer....
then i added more triggers to chek for all the different cases, i.e exactly 1,
at least, and i did the zeros also... and my screen keeps saying zero... the only
time it said 1 was when i created a second one after 60 seconds into the game -
my screen flashed Currentplayer has exactly 1 map revealer... then went back to zeros)
as for size of location? that shouldnt' matter. i created the map revealer
AT the location im trying to remove it from, i haven't changed the location at all.
the map revealer isnt' going to run out of the location.
yes... i use remove... i only use KILL if i want something to explode.
i have used all combos of all, 1, currentplayer, all players, i EVEN did a player
by player removal.... i simply can't remove what is not there.
maybe... i have a glitch with my SCXE??? i dunno.
that map revealer, once placed... gives me clear view... but.. i can't get rid of it...
and i can't FIND IT. isnt' this a kool situation?
im assuming people here have played around with it? i was surprised when i did the
existence chek and i can't find the map revealer for ANYone at the location.
maybe.. if i just put a map revealer for another player.. then change the ownership.
perhaps.. the map revealer will stay if i put it in at beginning of game but it may
disappear if placed in the middle of the game???
i dunno... this shouldnt' be this hard.i shouldnt' have to test something so
damn intuitive.
arrgh.... so strange.
also.. did i remember correctly that in order to use scanner sweep i have
to have a valid scanner for the player in question right (or have someone
allied with a valid scanner)?
also, scanner sweep is timed despite being "created" instead of actually
used in-game?
it would suck to use scanner sweep if it goes away too quickly.. that means
i might have to use the WAIT command for some value larger than zero.
(i have a bad disposition towards wait commands as you can see - it's good for
hypers and controlled stacking of creating units.. not much if anything else)
thanks for the read.