Viet_boi059 said:
Ok right now i am deciding from using 2trap claws, hoto and spirit, or a infinity as my trapsin weapon. Can you plz help me out and tell me why i should use that weapon or weapons.
I'm assuming this is too the guide you wanted for the trapsin. If I'm not mistaken you said you rere going to be mainly caster and not melee, so what I would do is go with the HotO and Spirit shield. This would give you +5 skills right their. Although you could actually get more +skills with 2 really good claws, the other mods on HotO and Spirit far outweigh the claws.
Now ... if you want to melee I would go with the 2 claws, or even maybe claw and shield.
It is all personal preference on playing style. In any case have yourself a CtA and Spirit on switch for the b.o., if you are worried about getting attacked melee, you can actually put the CtA in a phaseblade, instead of flail for a bit more damage. Then again a good merc properly equipped would take care of that ..... and now I'm rambling on and on .... bye.