Sodomy is kinky sex.Originally posted by Dark Blade
Sodom is some city in Palestine that's known for corruption and stuff. I noes.
Originally posted by xjMaN88lx
jason vizjereimage
I didn't think of that, lol..Originally posted by TheNamelessPunk
i knew it instantly, i just didnt think youd be so obvious
why was it obvious? you were the only new member to post as much as vizzz did.
andSod·om1 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sdm)
A city of ancient Palestine possibly located south of the Dead Sea. In the Bible, it was destroyed along with Gomorrah because of its wickedness and depravity.
Sod·om2 or sod·om ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sdm)
A place well known for vice and corruption.
n : (Old Testament) an ancient city near the Dead Sea that (along with Gomorrah) was destroyed by God for the wickedness of its inhabitants [syn: Sodom]
Spirit of Sodom. Spirit of a wickedly inhabited city. Get it? -_-;sod·om·y ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sd-m)
Any of various forms of sexual intercourse held to be unnatural or abnormal, especially anal intercourse or bestiality.