Pk-Killaz said:
I havn't played since 1.09, if you have any tips, your ideal builds, anything in general you want to tell me about 1.10 please feel free, so I know what to expect when I return.
Hmmm... DR cap is 50%... Lifeleach doesnt work in pk anymore.
Mainstream pk chars [sorry if i left some out]:
-Wind druid
-Sorceress [fireball or blizzard or orb or chain lightning]
-necromancer [bone skills]
-hammerdin, foh, smite, zeal, charge
-bow zon, charged strike zon
-trap asn
There are many more but those are the normals these days.
There are unique charms now [anihilhus and gheeds] - they rock.
most hacked items = gone
runes are duped up the :hbut and most arent permed [the high ones at least]
items are very expensive and runewords own the trading world
skill gcs with life are worth hell of a lot
ladder seasons are going on
I did some research just for you... here is the v1.10 readme/changes from the website.