Timer Woes




Was just wondering if anyone could help me out with some timer problems I'm having.
I currently have two timers for my map. One for counting down when the next round is coming up, and the other timer is counting down the time till a hero can be revived after he/she dies.

The problem I have is, if a hero dies after the next round timer has already started, it will bring up both timer windows right? Well that works, but when the countdown timer action - destroy (last created timer window) hits, it kills the hero timer, because that was the last created timer window, instead of the next round timer.

So lets say round timer = 10 seconds
it pops up
inside of the 10 second timespan, my hero dies, and pops up with another timer window of 30 seconds.
The destroy last created timer window, will kill the hero timer instead of the next round timer.

I'm not too sure how to make variable timer windows for both of the timers as well. I think thats the way you have to do it, but I'm not too sure how they work. Can anyone shed some light on this?



Oct 27, 2003
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umm.... your right about theTimer Window variables, in the new variable thing you have to scroll down to the T's and it will be there, then you could just make the trigger remove "herotimer" or "roundtimer" instead of the last created timer window.


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 19, 2003
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Originally posted by chuci

Was just wondering if anyone could help me out with some timer problems I'm having.
I currently have two timers for my map. One for counting down when the next round is coming up, and the other timer is counting down the time till a hero can be revived after he/she dies.

The problem I have is, if a hero dies after the next round timer has already started, it will bring up both timer windows right? Well that works, but when the countdown timer action - destroy (last created timer window) hits, it kills the hero timer, because that was the last created timer window, instead of the next round timer.

So lets say round timer = 10 seconds
it pops up
inside of the 10 second timespan, my hero dies, and pops up with another timer window of 30 seconds.
The destroy last created timer window, will kill the hero timer instead of the next round timer.

I'm not too sure how to make variable timer windows for both of the timers as well. I think thats the way you have to do it, but I'm not too sure how they work. Can anyone shed some light on this?

Was the Last Created Timer your Hero Timer?

If so that's your problem. I would suggest swaping them, put the Hero Timer first, and the other one second.

-Frank :cool:


Hmm, this was a while ago :)

But it's ok, I figured out how to use timer window variables from someone else. Thanks!


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