Bloody-Fish-Bone Member! Joined Aug 12, 2003 Messages 198 Reaction score 0 Location Sweden Website Visit site Jun 10, 2004 #1 Thx Starfish Usefull Hack u can teleport with leftmouse so u cna use manareg ara with pala for example
Thx Starfish Usefull Hack u can teleport with leftmouse so u cna use manareg ara with pala for example
Starfish Member! Joined Feb 23, 2003 Messages 3,594 Reaction score 0 Jun 10, 2004 #2 edit: that mod is bugged need to fix it before releasing it sry ... dont use it untill I repost it, and stop spamming jesper =P
edit: that mod is bugged need to fix it before releasing it sry ... dont use it untill I repost it, and stop spamming jesper =P