This mother F*cker is crazy.


Premium Member
Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
YouTube - Tom Cruise Scientology Video - ( ORIGINAL UNCUT ) 9:34 min

I am sure most if not all have seen his Scientology video on youtube.

I honestly do not feel as safe as I did 10 minutes ago before I viewed this video.

There is something very Anti-christ about this man and I say that in all seriousness. Now I am not saying he will bring the end of days in the religious aspect of it but I do feel there is something brewing.

He Spent millions on an underground "fortress" for lack of a better word for the "fallout" that is Xenu's Return.

He claims it is only his people that can bring peace and change to the world. It is those exact thoughts, that when swimming in a mind as crazed as that man's brings a whole lot of death and destruction.

Many believe a change of world peace can only be brought with violence, its logical. You know to stopping putting your hand over fire when it burns you; You stop hitting your little sister when your mother slaps you; you know not to kick a dog when he bites your ankle. Pain and violence is most certainly one of the best ways to get the desired result.

And with this rich son of a ***** preaching his lies to the thousands upon millions of retards eating that crap up I do not feel safe.

I do not usually Impose my beliefs unto others but Scientology takes it to a different level of Blind Faith. I am sure if Elron Hubbard was still alive he would tell Tom Cruise to go find Jesus.


BattleForums Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
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I disagree that pain and violence are some of the best ways to achieve a desired result, although they are certainly one of.


Premium Member
Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
Usually, I am sure you would agree, it is not always the first, but it is the last resort, and last resorts usually work the best.

But on topic, do you think that man is mentally stable and should have the right to have a child? A child who he thinks is the Messiah for his people. I heard somewhere where he thinks his baby has the life spirit of one of the most intelligent aliens what were banished by Xenu. Something like that,.


Retired Staff
Nov 11, 2002
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London, United Kingdom
The right to having a child is that - a right, not a prize.

I mostly take offence to his remark saying Scientologists are the only ones who can help in a car accident. Unless First Aid is part of Scientology and that they are all qualified medical practitioners, such a statement is incredibly misleading. Perhaps Scientologists ARE the only ones who can help - but what justification is there to prove that? One cannot use Scientology to justify Scientology, despite what people may think - I can use 1+1=3 and multiplication to justify 2+2=6, but the end product is false. It's a logical fallacy.

I'd note that Cruise is most likely as sane as anyone who believes in a deity or faith; while it is easy to criticise him, he is merely going about believing what he thinks is right.

This has formed the basis of Project Chanology, after all. While you do not have to join Anonymous (too late!), if you do feel unsafe about Scientology, feel free to do your own research about it, and perhaps write to your Congressman about your concerns. There's a bunch of stuff on Wikipedia on Scientology for you to start on.*


Premium Member
Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
It's not scientology that scares me, while I feel sorry for the saps that buy into it..... John Travolta is one and he doesn't creep me out.
It's Tom Cruise... he brings shame to the word fanatic... And its not like I feel that way for all religion... I accept you for believing in any other religion, but that I can't humbly understand anyone's choice for it.

You, a smart man who pursues knowledge instead of sex should see he is unstable. His laughter alone scares the hell out of me. What logical man/woman would believe in a religion based on a science fiction writer, that alone put me in disbelief when I first heard about scientology.

But all of his comments about, like you said, Scientologist being the only people that can help, that the change is coming, and SPs *HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH slap leg* oh man SPs. Whats an SP anyway.

Katie Holmes. He basically Kidnapped her. Apparently she doesn't get to see or talk to her parents as much as she'd like, she really doesn't get to go out as much as she'd like, and its not cause the paparazzi, Tom cruise is absolutely unstable and unfit to be in a position he is in.

I see no difference between Cults and Scientology if they accept that loony as their spokesman.


Retired Staff
Nov 11, 2002
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London, United Kingdom
I see him as someone who really believes in what he believes in. I do believe such a thing is unhealthy because it essentially closes one's mind to the outside. It's easy for me to say this, of course, because I'm not religious and I have a science background, but I can understand how such a thing can occur.

There is nothing wrong with believing in something, as long as things are not taken literally. Children believe in Superman and that is not unhealthy as long as a) they don't attempt to fly themselves or b) they do not lock themselves in this world. Superman's ideals could well be good for children to model themselves after, although Superman himself is probably best left unemulated.

An SP is a Suppressive Person, someone who attacks Scientology (for example, the Church of Scientology may classify Anonymous as an SP). Tom Cruise believes there will come a time when SPs are history. With all due respect, Mr. Cruise, the backlash against the Church of Scientology suggests that this isn't going to go down without a fight. Many people don't realise that there has been somewhat of a war against Scientology ever since its inception circa 1960.

Katie Holmes does not see her parents as often as she would like because of Disconnection - the process at which a Scientologist renounces all contact with an SP. See Disconnection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia on Wikipedia.

There is a note, though, that Tom Cruise apparently holds no position within Scientology. He's not even their top donor. It just turns out he's probably the best-known Scientologist and as such people easily jump to conclusions.

Is he mad? Usually, when someone throws everything into something with the intent of doing good, it is to be admired. But I disagree with some of the principles he throws himself into. To me, it just seems weird.*

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