They always come back remarks


May 19, 2003
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@leukos on Discord
I find them to be very untrue as i used to play D2 for a good year and a half and realized that this is just a cookie cutter click fest. What is the point in running around looking like everyone else and casting the same things as everyone your class? There are many arguments that say "D2 is very customizable" but in reality are ANY as strong as the main "cookiecutter" build that everyone and their mom uses?

In either case my point is that this game is a flawed game in multiple aspects (fixed camera for starters) and the idea that someone would "come back" is ludicrous when i could have more fun driving a railroad spike through my dick.


BattleForums Senior Member
Jun 7, 2003
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Then you are entirely insane. Diablo II has lasted longer in the sense that I still have fun playing it than ANY game for me, EVER. I've got a build that's just as strong as, if not stronger than the cookie cutters, and that's my rabies druid. There's one example of unique and still usable. I said "they all come back" because I quit in January and just came back, even though I'm constantly working now, I manage to find time for the game I formerly abandoned.


Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
Garden Grove, CA
mist said:
sure, go ahead and close it. And yeah, hopefully ladder will reset soon, 'cause that's when i'll be starting again.
he'll be back...

but eww a big sweaty surprise, sounds great :rolleyes


Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Maryland, USA
samsara and sweatyogre are both correct in aspects. The game is fun, but it's tiresome and useless now because of the way that you are only worth your items, not your char. What I appreciate about WoW is that you can have a good char with horrible items, but so many things open up based on level, it's your experience and level that really make the difference. As far as the cookie cutters, I'm disappointed that everything is mostly set in stone as far as what you must do to be good in the game, but it really was not meant for multiplayer online play for you to solo. It's meant for teamwork. The main reason I quit d2 is, all the best items are figured out, they're too easy to get, nothing seems fun anymore, all I do when I play d2 LITERALLY is rush or do some sort of xp runs for friends. I even stopped MF botting because it was a waste of my time to set up the bot when I wanted to change runs. Items are worth nothing now. MF botting is useless. I had been forced into a state of wealth where I would give almost any unique and literally any set item away for free, because they just weren't worth anything. When a socketable elite item is worth more than a unique due to overpowered runewords with CHILDISH stats like procing poison nova, and WF isn't even worth the 8 spaces it takes up anymore, I don't want to play d2. I will play the new ladder because it will bring a little purpose back to the game, new items, everyone is lower level overall, less bots, etc. But I'll probably quit again eventually. If I could find a way to play some form of d2 that was 100% legit where every single player in the entire game was 100% legit, didn't bot, cheat, hack, buy items, or exploit at all, didn't rush or do anything the game wasn't DESIGNED to do, it would still be fun and have tons of replay value for me. But since 5% of players actually enjoy playing the game the way it was meant to be played, it's just not fun.

Bottom line, WoW offers a lot that d2 doesn't, and I think the monthly fee is worth it.


Battle God
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
And that's your opinion. I respect that,. as well as Edwards (teehee!) and Sweaty Ogres, but I've played both games, and this is what I think:

WoW is very fun, and on a level, it can be more fun then Diablo II, at times. The main difference that sways me to the Lord of Terror rather then Thrall is that I grew up on Diablo. I grew up on clicking, and by damned I remember when you had to do some strategic clicking and not some ''click and watch monster die'' routine. What do I do to keep the game fun? I help people. I try unique and possibly horrible builds tha5t everyone considers newb, because it's funny when you can still manage using something that creates so much doubt.

However, despite that, WoW is a MMO, while D2 is not. This means that WoW gets people to pay to keep it hack free, error free, and to add more content monthly or maybe even weekly. I think, on average, if Diablo had that, and was more MMO-ish, more people would be playing it then WoW. Again, that's my opinion. I've seen some addicting games, and by that I mean not ''I KILL MYSELF MY CHAR DIED'' EQ addicted, I mean, like asians to StarCraft Addicted. D2 used to have that hold on me, and about everyone else I know. It still has that hold on many people, I would think. The hacks and programs that run rampant have decreased it's players, and I do see why people move on to WoW. Again, I have my reasons for staying on and playing Diablo II. You have your reasons for playing WoW instead. It's all about preference, and if playing WoW makes you happy, then so be it. :)

That's my thought on the matter. :D

As for the ''coming back part'', I've seen it happen more times then WC3+SC combined. In that aspect, the amount of people who used to quit D2 and come back was outrageous for rather simple hack n slash style RPG. You have to keep that in mind, ladies and gentlemen. :)


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 27, 2005
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eh.. im back :)

sooooooooooooooo yep, i suppose the title is true for me


Respected Member
Jun 15, 2004
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OG From '02
If you don't like the game then don't play it and keep your opinions about it to yourself.



Battle God
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
This thread has been reopened with the promise of open criticism in mind, towards D2 or how it works as a hack n slash/RPG.If you see something you don't agree with, you may argue against it in a mature manner. Otherwise, it will be closed again very soon. Happy posting. :)


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
Then I'll have to +1

Why are you complaining about D2? Did it not give you countless hours of fun? Was it not there for you when your friends weren't? Did it not waste your life away with knowning that you alone have "pwn'd" plenty of noobs? Is it not the only game that so much changes from patch to patch making it such a different aspect each time?
Who knows what may come with a new patch, or with a ladder reset and completely new and different uniques and/or rune words (again)?!

"Don't hate the game; hate the player" lol


Retired Staff
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Humble, Texas
if u ask me, a game cant be "bad" if its lived as long as this one.

i can name multiple cpu/online games that have died within the first year, up to the first 4 years.

thing is, diablo is still hangin in there.

diablo has been a good game not because of the storyline (although it does have a nice one) or the idea of completing th quests. diablo became popular for the want to better other members.

to have gear better than them, to pwn them, if you will.

look at what the game is now that its in its glory days. botters for items, and ppl like me, duelers.

theres a very select few ppl left htat play the game for, in itself, the game (dm for example still finds fun in this)

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