I havent played D2 since september, but i still come check out this forum to see if any valuable info has come up. the last good hack was godmode, and it wasnt even supposed to be released til i exploited it. It's just ppl asking questions that can or cant be answered, but is useless info either way. maphack is prolly the only thing keeping this forum alive. I'm really sorry for all of u that still play D2. times have changed. there's better games out there. get off your asses, get jobs, and pay for an MMORPG. I play City of Heroes now. It makes D2 look like Pacman. Anywayz, I'll get to the point... For those of who even remember me at all, GOODBYE BATTLEFORUMS. many of u helped me in the past, and i thank you (korritke, The Summit, Pyro, UE, coolmission, TheAce, placebo, and last but not even close to least, Starfish) Goodbye. I'll miss u guys...