The Ultimate Bots Guides, FAQs and Walkthroughs!

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FAQ on JHJ - most recent problems with solution - *updated*

please give some feedback if you like it!

THIS IS JUST A SUMMARY OF THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS. REFER TO THE GUIDE FROM allaboutdupe made with the help of cascius, trampledhobo and nitrodox!!

guide can be found HERE

a little reading goes along well ;)

my bot gets stuck at malah, just sits there for a couple of seconds and exits right away, over and over again. what can i do?
  • here's the deal: you haven't configured your HPGuard, MPGuard right. it should look like like this:
    HPGuard1=250 (is the healthpointnumber you want to drink a pot)
    HPGuard2=0 (is the healtpointnumber you want to leave the game, if you have a good merc you won't need it at all)
    MPGuard=0 (Manapointnumber you want to leave game i guess, maybe drink pot, just set it to 0)
    MercHPGuard=10 (this is in %, not an integer#!!!! Percentage of your mercs life you want to chicken at)
my bot exits game right before entering the red portal! what's wrong??
  • your bot probably tries to cast energy shield, which you don't have! open the RunPBotSorc.ini and set EShield=0.
    and no, there's no way to cast any cold armors! (not yet at least)
my bot enters portal and leaves right when i see pindles skills. WTF?
  • now that is because you have configured your bot to chicken out the game, whenever pindle is immune to something or has a certain aura. Try this:
    open RunPCenter.exe
    click Bot??
    click ??Bot??
    you see on top something like "??????Boss", right?
    under that you see two buttons with '+' and '-'. select every entry in the list below and delete them with '-'
    that should fix it.
    to make sure open your RunPBotSor.INI and look for [Avoid]. If all chickens are disabled it should look like this:
After i pwnd pindle my sorc just sits there and won't pickup shit, won't leave the game nether. Y????
  • that's cuz you use zoids pickit!
    disable zoids, JHJ's got an own pickit inplemented, if you try to use both together, both pickers try to pick up things, one is faster, the other one just tries to pick up something you already have, and waits forever!
    remove any zoid files from your plugin-folder in your d2-folder!!
my pickup-logfile is filled with crap, how can i make it show only the things i picked up??
  • easy one though:
    open your RunPBotSor.INI and set Log=2. Thats it :)
My bot won't attack, just sits there doing nothing! WTF?
  • she does attack, it's just that you don't see the animations.
    also make sure you have blizzard/metoer as you RSkill in RunPBotSorc.INI. should look like this:
i get ip-ban every xx runs!! help?
  • if your bot chickens to often cuz of your HPGuard or you configured it for cold/fireimmune pindle, it'll create games too fast. that'll get you banned for some minutes/hours. (at least i guess it's like that)
my bot only does 200 runs and stops? (maybe opens xx windows of d2) WTF??
  • ok, the most discussed issue in this thread i guess, do it like this, step by step: (or have a look at 1st page (by allaboutdupe) or blee's page)
    • - you configured everything, the bot runs fine the 200 runs
      - make sure you have d2loader by onlyer installed
      - create a folder called 'jhj' in your d2-folder
      - put ALL files from the JHJ-bot in there

      - open RunPCenter.exe
      - press the 'Bot??'-button
      - new part pops up, you see a textfield saying something like:
      -w -Skiptobnet -ns -res800
      - make that look like this (by adding -pdir "jhj"):
      -w -Skiptobnet -ns -res800 -pdir "jhj"
      now it should restart d2 after 200 runs and continue
    stasher always puts away my mf charms!! damn, any helP?
    • yup, put all your charms to the right of your inventory!
      let's say it looks like this:
      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

      that means your have 2 colums full with charms for mf or res or whatever. open the mover.ini and set ReservedSpace=2.
      ClearCount=50 means, your bot will stash every 50 runs!! it also stashes to cube, if it's in your stash!!
    Error "no room for unit"-thingy
    • make sure your sorc is in act 5!!

    Hope that'll make it easier for all of us!

    please give some feedback if you like it!


Respected Member
May 19, 2003
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The ultimate Diablo II Bots FAQ

!!!Read this before posting silly questions!!!
(Written by coolmission on 03/24/2004)

removed old content - working on new guides! Be patient!

If you have more Bots that you need a FAQ or Installation guide for, contact coolmission, so he can add it to this thread.


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May 19, 2003
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AcePindleBot 0.32b

Installation Guide

1) Download it here
2) Get d2hackit from the Modifications and Patches section
3) Extract both zips into one directory. You should have the files AcePindleBot.ini and APBSorc.d2h in your d2hackit folder.
4) Install ZoiD's pickit and make sure that the magicchar (default is .) has been changed to anoter character (like :;,! etc...)
5) Open AcePindleBot.ini and edit it:

Attacks (default 10) = How many times to attack pindle and his minions.

AttackSkill (default 1) = 1 for Frozen Orb, 2 for Blizzard

Difficulty (default 3) = 1 for Normal, 2 for Nightmare, 3 for Hell.

DrinkLife (default 500) = When below this life, bot will drink a healing potion from belt. This is NOT a % value

ChickenLife (default 300 = When below this life, bot will drink a rejuv potion, if not rejuv potions found, it will exit game and make another one (chicken).

UseMalah (defautlt 0) = Use Malah to heal in every run

DrinkPotions (default 1) = Drink inventory potions before going to pindle's place.
6) Launch diablo in window mode or normal mode (window mode saves ressources), make a game on the desired difficulty, and go to act 5.
7) Fill your belt with healing and rejuv pots (if you dont have rejuvs, fill it with healing only).
8) Exit game, make another one.
9) Type .load APBSorc.d2h.
10) The Bot will now automate these processes and kill pindle. Then make new game etc...

Side Notes from readme:

APB will drink all the potions in inventory before going to pindle if DrinkPotions is set to 1, so it is a GOOD IDEA to make pickit take all the potions in the floor (including mana pots) so you dont run out of mana. I didnt add healing at Malah because it takes a lot of time of the run, but i can add it if people wants. To make pickit take the potions, open zPickIt.ini or PickIt.ini (depending on the version) and add this:

[Greater Healing Potion]
Notify= FALSE

[Greater Mana Potion]
Notify= FALSE

[Super Healing Potion]
Notify= FALSE

[Super Mana Potion]
Notify= FALSE
Known Bugs and FAQ

Under construction, coming soon.


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May 19, 2003
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Like most of you reading this, I had some problems getting YAMB to start up. Below are the steps that I took to make it run. There are more steps after this to *tweek* it, but if you follow my instructions, it should allow you to bot.

Before I begin, here is a link to the default instructions:

Here is my solution. It is really dumbed down, but should be useful. If you see something that needs to be changed, let me know and I will edit it. Feel free to link people to this if they have questions.

You MUST have d2jsp already installed for this to work (go to the bottom of this post and find a link to d2jps if you don't already have it installed).

Topics covered include:
1. Extraction of YAMB
2. Editing YAM_Config_*charname*.d2l
3. Editing YAM_LifeWatchConfig_LightningSorc.d2l
4. Editing default.d2j

Okay, here is what I did to solve it. I got the most up to date version of YAMB ( now I believe) and extracted to:

C:\Games\Diablo II\....\d2jsp\scripts

And made sure that "use folder names" was the only option checked in WinZip. That extracted the files where they needed to be.

If you want to keep, you may have to simply extract the files to another folder and then MANUALLY transfer them into the correct d2jsp\scripts folders making sure to overwrite FILENAMES, but not FOLDERNAMES (you'll see that there are nested folders when YAMB is extracted autonomously).

After that, it's a simple matter of finding and editing the following lines in the following files (just as stated on the YAMB installation guides by SUMO and others)...If you don't have these files then you need to extract YAMB again...


Choose a template for your character class and make a copy of it in the same folder. Rename the copy to the CASE SENSITIVE (i.e. all caps if all caps) version w/ your character's USER NAME.....NOT account name (common mistake). For example, if charname is TOASTY, rename the file...


Open the file you just renamed. In the following section, choose which bosses you would like to fight by putting a "//" in front of those you don't want:

// Boss configuration
// This is the list of currently available boss to run.
// Reorder the lines to change the order in which they will be killed.
// Comment out (put // before) a line to skip the boss.
// Recommendation: Reorder the sequence in order of difficulty, 
//   to kill the toughest boss last and the easiest boss first.

//Pit and Baal are beta at the moment.
Also, MAKE SURE to edit the following code so that you don't lose your objects already in your inventory. For example, my sorc only has the first 5 columns blank in inventory, so I set those to 1's:

// Stashing configuration
// DT_FreeSpace = number	Minimum number of free columns: if less full columns are free, go to stash.
// DT_MinGoldToStash = number	Maximum gold amount carried before going to stash.

DT_FreeSpace = 3;
DT_MinGoldToStash = 250000;

// The numbers correspond to your inventory. Set 0 to keep whatever is there, 1 to stash it.
// This allows you to keep charms in inventory. Note: If you have an empty spot set to 0
// the item that appears there during a run will NEVER get stashed.
// (Useful if you have lots of space and want to use the bonuses of freshly-ID'd charms.)
// WARNING: Make sure that you have set this correctly otherwise you can lose 
// your existing items!


Set the following code to represent what potions you have in your belt. If you want to use rejuvies, just leave them as "hp" and "mp" --- the program will take care of it for your --- isn't that nice???

// Belt configuration
// YAM_UseBeltManager = true/false	Leave at true if you want the bot to buy potions.

YAM_UseBeltManager = true;

// Type of potion used in each belt column
// Available types : "hp" = health | "mp" = mana | "rv" = rejuv. Can use other potion types too (untested!).
// Keep equal types at adjacent columns. First HP then MP and then HP again is a bad choice.
// Keep HP and MP at the beginning of the belt (in case you want to use rejuv and other types).
// Rejuvenations MUST, I REPEAT MUST be at the end of the belt (last x columns).
// Recommendation: Since YAMB supports potion-swapping there is no point in reserving 
//    a column for rejuvenations anymore.

DT_BeltColType[0] = "hp"; // Column 1 in belt
DT_BeltColType[1] = "hp"; // Column 2
DT_BeltColType[2] = "hp"; // Column 3
DT_BeltColType[3] = "mp"; // Column 4

Set the following section of code to reflect your pre-cast preferences. I use a sorc, but each file has it's own precast is mine

// Precasting configuration
// DA_UseCTA = true/false	 Switch to and use your CTA weapon runeword when doing the precasts.
// DA_AutoPrecasts = true/false	 Set to true to ignore the config below and automatically detect which skills to use for precasts.
// XP_ColdArmor = 0/1/2/3	 Cast a cold armor (0 = disabled, 1 = Frozen, 2 = Shiver and 3 = Chilling)
// XP_EnergyShield = true/false	 Cast Energy Shield
// XP_ThunderStorm = true/false	 Cast Thunder Storm

DA_UseCTA = false;
DA_AutoPrecasts = true;
XP_ColdArmor = 0;
XP_EnergyShield = true;
XP_ThunderStorm = false;

Edit your skills...some files don't have this, but the sorc one does...Here you define what skills you will use. I use frozen orb and glacial spike. You can select whichever you want. Read the comments in the file for help - they are useful.

// Attack configuration
// Bosses section.
//PXP_SorcSkill.push(64); 		// Frozen Orb
//PXP_SorcSkill.push(59); 		// Blizzard
//EXP_SorcSkill.push(59); 		// Blizzard
//SXP_SorcSkill.push(59); 		// Blizzard
//CXP_SorcSkill.push(59); 		// Blizzard

YAM_SorcSkill.push(64); 	// Frozen Orb
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(59); 	// Blizzard
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(45);       // Ice Blast
YAM_SorcSkill.push(55); 	// Glacial Spike
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(48); 	// Nova
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(62); 	// Hydra
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(56); 	// Meteor
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(38); 	// Charged Bolt
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(47); 	// Fire Ball
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(51); 	// Fire Wall
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(49); 	// Lightning 
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(53); 	// Chain Lightning
The following section is also useful to look at - especially if you have a char w/ only one type of attack. Since I am using only cold, I want to chicken out if the boss is cold imune. This can be seen in my options below. You can also edit the options around this section to account for boss auras. Again, this is specific to the Sorc class, but each template has it's own section to edit.

// Immunities/Resistances/Enchantments to skip
// Set each to true to chicken out if a monster is immune to that kind of damage.
// Thanks to D32v1n for contributing to some of these settings

DA_Immunities[1] = false;	// Physical
DA_Immunities[2] = false;	// Magic
DA_Immunities[3] = false;	// Fire
DA_Immunities[4] = false;	// Lightning
DA_Immunities[5] = true;	// Cold
DA_Immunities[6] = false;	// Poison
Continued in next post....


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May 19, 2003
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Next, edit the following file...


So that it reads:


Remember to rename the copy to the CASE SENSITIVE (i.e. all caps if all caps) version w/ your character's USER NAME.....NOT account name (common mistake) For example, if charname is TOASTY, rename the file...


Now that you have RENAMED the file, edit it...I have included what I edited under the Character Lifewatch Settings section (didn't paste comments simply for space). You can read the comments

// Character lifewatch settings
var LW_UseTownChicken = true;
var LW_ChickenLife = 150;
var LW_ChickenTownLife = 250;
var LW_ChickenMana = 0;
var LW_LifeThresh = 400;
var LW_ManaThresh = 250;
var LW_LifeRejuvThresh = 300;
var LW_ManaRejuvThresh = 0;
var LW_QuitOnNoDrink = 550;
var LW_ChickenOnOutOfManaPots = false;
var LW_ChickenOnOutOfHealPots = false;
var LW_ChickenOnOutOfRejuvPots = false;
var LW_ChickenOnOutOfPots = true;

Almost more file to change...Open the following file


Change PindleXP.d2j to YAMB.d2j. Change the code to the following...where CHARname is the CASE SENSITIVE (i.e. all caps if all caps) version w/ your character's USER NAME.....NOT account name (common mistake).

function main() {
	switch( {
		case "*CHARname*":
For example, if charname is TOASTY, rename the file

function main() {
	switch( {
		case "TOASTY":
Changing the "case" is not necessary, but it can't hurt.

You will need:

A Working D2JSP Version and key


Guide taken from - Thanks!
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