The Land of Sho'Dai

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Jun 29, 2003
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Hampton, Georgia
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This is sorta like a role play where you don't follow the main and just go around and live your life out. The name of the land is Sho'Dai and its divided up into provinces. There's also A few cities in each province. Here they are:

Marques: a small province located at the south coast
New Marq: Capital City
Mao'liu: A small town right by the coast
Pin'liu: Large town just about in the middle of the province

Quintesant: Biggest province and most populated
Ninsu: Capital City, biggest city in all of Sho'Dai
Hun'Chi: A strange place where all buildings are in a large cave
Mintiy: Large town close by Ninsu

Yekkiniland: A strange province where its all covered by water except small patches of land and buildings are connected over the water by bridges
Yekinini: Capital City, yet very small
Nenton: Large City, second biggest city in all of Sho'Dai

You can be any race you want except Giants, Angels, Demons, or any other god-like races. You can use any class you want, too.

IMPORTANT: Everyone starts with 200 gold and wearing simple clothes and that's it. Also when you buy stuff from a shop, make the prices realistic. Also, NO godmodding!

I'll be using this character:

Name: Gonray
Gender: Male
Age: 35 human years
Weight: 167 pounds
Height: 6'2"
Race: Human
Class: Archer/Thief
Bio: Very little know about him. Battle scared from all the battles he's been in.

I'll start with AT LEAST 4 people including me.
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