The Imus Controversy


Respected Member
Jun 7, 2003
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Washington D.C
This happened about two weeks ago, but it is still something important to talk about. For those of you who haven't heard about it see here. For those of you who don't know who Imus was, he had a radio show called Imus in the Morning that was quite popular... not to mention one that I listened to regularly.

I personally find it terrible that this entire event turned into an uproar. He made a comment about the Rutgers’s girls basketball team that was deemed racist ("nappy-headed hos") and lead to threats by his advertising to pull out (the true customers of radio) so he was fired by CBS. I'm so disgusted by this because it was the kind of thing that someone like Chris Rock would say but because he is black it makes it okay. It amazes me how the special interest groups can have such a double standard. Not to mention they completely ignore the "hip hop culture" when they talk about degrading blacks which is considerably worse than a joke - Imus after all does comedy.

What's even worse is that he got fired for saying something over the radio. True, it would be a terrible business decision to keep him because when advertising pulls out the no more money is made off of him, but the fact that people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson blew this out of proportion so much to make it something covered constantly on the 24 hour news networks for about a week and cost a man his livelihood (though he is a rich white guy who doesn't actually need to work for the rest of his life).

His comments were jokes and it's a terrible thing to call him and his listeners racist or hatemongerer against blacks because it really isn't true. I at least hope it's true because I was a regular listener to his show.


Former Staff member
Feb 24, 2005
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New york
This is one of the reasons why I loathe Al Sharpton, he blew this waaaay out of proportion. If Al sharpton wants to really deal with getting rid of the "N" word then he should start by getting every single one of the rappers who use it on a daily basis and make money off of it. Until he does that I will include him as a member of a long list of hypocrites in our political world.


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 27, 2003
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lol @ Al Sharpton. That guy needs a day job. He is always starting trouble with the most retarded things.
Maybe if he used his powers for good instead of teaming up with Professor Chaos and General Disarray the world would be a much happier place.

RoaCh of DisCord

Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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Stupid. I think today's society is completely bent up on "not offending" people. Even it were racist comments, he has the right to say them. Welcome to the year 2007.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Montreal, in a ghost town.
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Nevermind the real issues of racism; the fact that there's more black people into prison than in college, the culture of violence that impregnate black youth culture, the fact that when you're born into a poor black getho, chances are that you wont get away from it, and so on.

But hey, I'm glad that in America, you can't make a comment about the hairstyle of a bunch of college girl who couldnt care less. Now thats truly worthy of national coverage.

Гражданин СССР

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2005
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Yeap, political correctness is a bitch but at the same time a trait of those societies that want to proclaim themselves superior, which includes moral superiority and leads to basically this. If you're a member of the majority of the population be quiet or you're labeled a bigot, if you're a member of one of the minorities say what you want with no repercussions. Maybe Imus is racist, hell Im not too fond of some black people myself to be honest; but the thing is that once upon a time some people came together in what was then the 13 colonies and decided "Hey, lets have a right to say whatever we want.", thats one of the principles US was based on but like many of its other principles this one is fading away to give birth to a world that is a complete reflection of the one 40-50 years ago except this time white people are the ones discriminated against and not the other way around.


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