The History of "Sex"


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
Terms to remember (this thread):
sex: shortening of sexual intercourse
adultry: sexual intercourse outside the marital institution
premarital sex: adultry occuring before marriage
extramarital: adultry occuring with another partner while married

That's all I can think of for now ;)

The Years BC:


Egyption and Hebrew history are the only notable civilizations with written history during this time period.

Egypt: The Ancient Egyption people are hard to guage without looking at their gods and goddesses. Their gods and goddesses were, like most polytheistic religions, adulterious and, at times, leacherous. This also reflects upon the Ancient Egyption society. Men were permisciouous, and it was allowed. Women were forced to suffer laws directing them to monogamy. The most famous examples of multiple partners involve the Kings of Egypt who would take on many wives and concubines.

Hebrews: The Hebrews beliefs are written in the Torah and the Bible. The Hebrews believed any form of adultry was wrong. They also believed that homosexuality was an offense only worthy of death. This death was most often carried out though burning at the stake. The most notable punishment from GOD directed at homosexuals, among other offenses, is the destruction of Sadam and Gomora. This destruction encapsulated most of what is now northern Iraq.


With the exception of "Little America", a US Colony, there are no and have never been human civilizations here. Besides that, Little America isn't constant as scientists come and go, with a maximum stay of eight months. Antartica will not be mentioned, again.


Until the first Chinese Dynasties, Asia is one of the hardest continents to read. After that, Arabian, Hindu, and Budist writings are the only clue into the sexual allowance of this largest continent.

China: The Chinese history is often mixed with a mixture of both clarity and chaos. Each Dynasty was like the rebirth of the entire continent as each new emperor would bring new laws with him, and he would even alter long held traditions. The Emperor, it seems, was the only one allowed to take on a concubine, even with other "royal houses" within the country. As all other ancient civilizations, men held all the power.

Arabian: At the center of three continents, the Arabians were able to build up quite an economical system. This, however, did not stop the mass slaughter of females just from the belief that they were inferior -- especially if they did not bear their husband a child. It was common to forsake a woman in favor of a camel, goat, or scrap of land.

Hindu: I'm sorry; I'm less informed on the Hindu written history than I'd like to be...

Budhist: I'm sorry; I'm about as informed on the Budist written history as Hindu...


Sometime during the Years BC, the Aborigini (sp?) tribes managed to sail from Asia to a new home -- including New Zealand, the Phillipines, and others.

Aborigini: I'm more lost here than on the Budhist and Hindu written history...


The only two civilizations that offer any large volume of written history are the ancient civilizations of Greeks and Romans. The Galls and Germatic tribes are important to history, but never had as much influence.

Greek: The ancient Greeks carried on in Roman history. However, their laws and traditions were quite different. The Greeks were less inclined to adultry and polygamy. There are also various Greek-only tales of the gods (specifically Zues and Hera) "smiting" those who engaged in homosexual behavior. This could be from the slight Hebrew presence and influence the ancient Greeks had, but that is hard to determine.

Roman: The ancient Romans were, perhaps, the most permisciouous of all ancient civiliations. This, however, only applies to the men. Men were allowed to commit "adulty", but, by law, women were not allowed to take on extramarital partners. Women were also considered "unclean" and neccessary only for reproduction. Due to the fact that homosexuality was not only allowed but pushed onto the society, it is estimated that well over 50% of the males in ancient Rome would be considered "bi"sexual now-a-days. The most famous examples of sexual behavior belong to Julius Caeser and Mark Antony -- not that that's an honor.

North America

The "American Indians" are the only well documented civilization.

"American Indians": Monogamy was believed in more wholey than even the Hebrews. If it was discovered that either partner was going against his or her vows, that individual would likely be killed.

South America

The Miyan and Incan civilizations are not as well known as studies might show. Scientists and Archeologists are still unsure as the Spanish Conquesdidors and subsequent settlers have destroyed much of these culture's history.

1 AD - 1950 AD


Countries have now formed, but the tribal systems are still quite important. Muslim society has also been built, along with Christian nations. This unstable region is home to two "modern" histories.

Africa, General: The AIDS pandemic has hit Africa hardest. Those with it are often considered "tainted" and have been disregarded by most. Children and women are abandoned and raped at at astounding rate, and it can be easily attributed to the suffering most of Africa is going through. The instability of the region, however, makes it more complicated.

Muslim: I'm saving this for Asian history.


Asia is hard to divide. Christianity, Jeudeism, Islam, Budhism, and Hinduism all exist here and make even one country an impossibly divided (or diverse) mixture of history. Luckily, we only have to concentrate on the sexual history, here ;)

Christian: Since Christianity was born here, this is where I will discuss the religion. As the Hebrews before, the Christians hold the same, basic, beliefs as the Hebrews. Christians are less stringent on many laws, but the sexual laws are direly enforced, even to the point of extreme disliking of sex, at all. Sexual behavior cycles throughout Christian history. It often goes from something that is abhorent and only carried out to carry forth to new generations to something only slightly less. It is commented that in the 1800s, the Queen of England told her daughter to "grin and bear it" when she asked her mother what sex was like and what to expect from her husband. However, famous examples throughout history show that those with power love to play with rules. Kings would take concubines, even though Christian law specifically prohibit it.

Jew: Jews still strictly adhere to their Hebrew ancestors' laws. Until more "humane" laws were introduced, women were still stoned for adultry and men, um...yeah (it hurts to even mention it), for rape.

Islam: It is suspected that one reason the Islamic religion was introduced was an attempt to stabalize the region and stop the mass slaughter of women. That, however, is offset by later "chapters" giving the exact laws and punishments for lawbreakers. These laws are harshest on women and offer little or no sexual leneance. Men are permited to take on three wives at any given time, and can divorce any one of them by stating "divorce" three times. At that time, the man will determine the "terms" of the divorce. The man is not obligated to be kind, and can, often, throw out any children he does not approve of. Rape is often the "fault" of the women for "suggesting" something. This could be anything, including accidently wearing a dress with static cling and the dress reveals as little as her hands or feet. Homosexuality is severly frowned upon, but no specific law is set against it.

Hindu and Budists: I must again apologize :(


A prison colony is created, and soon legitamate citizens seek independence from British rule -- after the US Revolutionary War. Britian is inclined to let them free.

Australia: Still deeply rooted in their "prison" and Christian beginings, the Australian laws seem more apt to get fiercer than to change anytime soon. The Aborigini tribe(s) have also shaped how Australia has changed. I can't really comment beyond that, but it appears, to me, that adultry is frowned upon but not stopped.


Many European laws are modeled after Christian laws. These laws range from set in stone that the court can delegate to simple taboo.

Europe, General: Adultry and homosexuality are frowned upon, but there is no court basis to stop it.

North America

"American Indian" and Christian laws are the most commonly used. The US is home of the most diversity, and that melting pot has created an odd mixure of law and taboo.


South America



King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
North America [continued]

North America, General: Adulty and homosexuality are frowned upon, but no specific court laws against it.

USA: Cultures are begining to clash and the melting pot has already started to meld society. Slavery is, possibly, the biggest mistakes to add to the sexual history. Slaves, being property, could be treated however the master(s) liked. Often, men would take the female slaves and rape them, and women would take the male slaves and rape them. There are examples of consentual sex in history, but slaves were "property" so that consent was unneccessary. Christian laws rules the day.

South America

As most civilizations are Spanish colonies, there is a strict adherence to Christian law. The Conquestidors believe that any who do not convert should be killed.

1950 - Modern


There hasn't been much change. The instablity makes it nearly impossible to exactly determine the situation.


Abortion has greatly changed the landscape of, at least, Asia. It is a, now, much carried out practice to try to give the population zero or negative growth. Homosexuality has all but disappeared form taboo. Adulty is so very frowned upon and scrutinized that not even the most permisciouous would risk it. Prostitution has taken a nose dive, though it has proven to be the only "illegal profession" that has been impossible to remove.


Abortion and change in homosexual beliefs has affected all nations, and that includes the island continent. Things may still be more frowned upon here than some may be used to, but courts have no power over sexual activities that are not consentual.


Christian ancestry is still very heavily carried here. Though the world, essentially, moves in the same direction, laws and traditions are hard to change or break. Adultry and homosexuality are still, very much, frowned upon.

North America

The USA has become a leading force in change in the world. Canada and Mexico are among the first to be influenced by any changed in the USA.

USA: Since the 1950s, the US has changed how the world looks at sex. Sex used to be something that, due to power structure, was primarily something that only men could enjoy. Men would hold all the power in any sexual relationships, and now they hold almost none. Adultry is not only not frowned upon; it has become far too permisive. Men and Women express themselves, sexually, at younger and younger ages, even to the point of "Tiny Miss Beauty" pagents. Getting back to the "power" statement, women have all control in a sexual encounter. No one seems to care, or even know, if, or when, a man says no. A woman says no and it's all over, but, if a man says no, it's as if his voice were not heard. Abortion gives women even more power. Playing god always is, though. Rape has drastically increased since the 1950s with more and more men wanting, or needing, to show that they still have power. Rape is all about power, and that is something that many men -- partially due to sexuality changes in society -- feel they have lost. The USA has also been at the forefront of such law changes at homosexual marriage -- A FIRST -- and homosexual adoption. I'll go over the extreme alienation from history these changes are, later.

South America

With the drug cartel gaining power and strength, it is very difficult to guage what the laws dictate or not. Men involved in the drug running have, quickly, become more demanding and abusive. It is almost impossible for their wives to express their opinion outside savinging their family. I'll need some one from a more moderate family to express a better idea here.

Tempest Storm

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Apr 5, 2003
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It's spelled Buddhist. ;)

But I think that was a pretty good sum up of the history of sex.

But, I think you're wrong when you say that men have no power when it comes to sex. We may not have as much power as we used to (and that, IMO, is a good thing), but we still have power. I mean, it takes 2 to have sex.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
That may be true, but I was commenting on the distribution of power. It's very good that men are no longer the superior in sex, but I don't believe women should be the superior either ;) I didn't say men had no power though, but next to none is almost as bad ;)

I'm sorry about the bad spelling...

I'm wondering, though, if someone will try to tear this appart and discuss it. Or am I just getting to the point where my threads have no argumenative points :(

Tempest Storm

Premium Member
Apr 5, 2003
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Originally posted by bamthedoc
That may be true, but I was commenting on the distribution of power. It's very good that men are no longer the superior in sex, but I don't believe women should be the superior either ;) I didn't say men had no power though, but next to none is almost as bad ;)
Well, I don't mind women being superior. I'm dating a nympho, so I'm gonna get some anyways. :D

Idealy, both sexes would have equal power during sex, but, since w don't live in an ideal world, who do you think should have more power, even if it's just a little bit more.

I'm wondering, though, if someone will try to tear this appart and discuss it. Or am I just getting to the point where my threads have no argumenative points :(
Well, you have to remember, that post is pretty long. ;) And plus, we're not all experts of the history of sex. And you did a good job of being unbiased. I mean, not a whole lot to argue with.

But, if you want, I suppose we could argue about whether or not the change in attitude towards sex of the past 50 years is a good thing, which, I for one think it is.


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"Well, you have to remember, that post is pretty long. And plus, we're not all experts of the history of sex. And you did a good job of being unbiased. I mean, not a whole lot to argue with."

its not hard to be unbiased when writing a history, i say the more biased the better. i think men should get some power back, we wernt doing bad back then so i dont think it would necessarly be a bad thing.


Jul 21, 2003
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>>>The man is not obligated to be kind, and can, often, throw out any children he does not approve of.

point 1:
The prophet muhammed says "wal rajul fi ahlih raain wa huwa masool aan raaaiyatih", which translates to something along the lines of 'Men are responsible for their family', thus suggesting that men 'cannot' just deny responsibility for a child.
(a hadith)

point 2:
Quoted from the holy quraan (soorat al tahreem, ayah number 6: "yaayuha alatheena aamanoo, qoo anfusakum wa ahleekum naran", which translates to something along the lines of 'men are supposed to provide for their families' (the language is somewhat obscure and difficult, so I can't really transliterate it).

point 3:
Quoted from the holy quraan (soorat al bagarah, ayah number 233): "walwalidat yarthaain awladihm halun kailyn liman arada in yatem alrathaa": one's parents are 'required' to bring up their children.

point 4:
Quoted from the holy quraan (can't seem to locate the exact location of where this comes from, ill edit this post with the info as soon as I find it): "wa lahin mithl alathy aalayhina bilmaaroof", and "wa aasharoonahum bilmaaroof": husbands are 'required' to be kind to their wives.

point 5:
the prophet muhammed says "khithy ma yakfeek wawldak bilmaaroof": a woman can 'take' what she needs from a husband.

>>>Homosexuality is severly frowned upon, but no specific law is set against it.

actually, islamic law does forbid homosexuality (I know there's a passage in the quraan somewhere that says this, but I can't find it)

>>>Rape is often the "fault" of the women for "suggesting" something. This could be anything, including accidently wearing a dress with static cling and the dress reveals as little as her hands or feet.
No, rape is rape. Islam actually makes it a point to point out that men and women are equal. Islam (as a religion, people who claim to be muslims may act differently) in no way subjugates, opresses, or miseducates women. Women are allowed to show their hands and feet in Islam, there's absolutetly nothing wrong with that from Islam's point of view.

When a guy rapes a women, the fact that it 'is' a rape must be established before anything else. If its just premarital sex, they're both sentenced to a certain number of lashes (the number eludes me now), if its rape, the guy's punished (can't remmember what the punishment is, if the guy's married, the punishment is death), and the women isn't punished (duh!).

The whole sacrifice baby girls thing in the middle east prior to the introduction of islam: The way I understand it, it worked something like this: Arabs lived in tribes, and if a tribe won a tribal war, that tribe would demand that the tribe that lost hand over a certain number of girls (as in for marital purposes, not to be sacrificed or anything). Tribes thought it was disgraceful to have to hand over their girls, so they would kill their baby girls. Plus, gender inequality was much an issue back then, and females were thought to be inferior to males.



King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
Response to Points 1 - 3:

This is in the early chapters of the Quraan. Muhammed, when writing the later chapters, seems to forget the excellent morals he sets forth. I was refering to the laws, which are quite unfair. I have seen, having lived in a Muslim country, men "deny responsibilty" after divorce. I mostly saw this when the woman would not "provide" the man with male heirs.

Response to Point 4:

Agian, the morals set in the early chapters are "offset" by the laws set in tha later chapters. It may be that theocracies are very bad, but there are many destitute women who are thrown out on the streets just because the "can not" bear a male child.

Response to Point 5:

Okay, either many/most Muslims are going against Mahammed's law or women really are given the short end of the stick with the later chapter's laws. Again: destitution (and I'm not getting into when females genitalia are mutilated)

No, rape is rape. Islam actually makes it a point to point out that men and women are equal. Islam (as a religion, people who claim to be muslims may act differently) in no way subjugates, opresses, or miseducates women. Women are allowed to show their hands and feet in Islam, there's absolutetly nothing wrong with that from Islam's point of view.
It may not be from certain laws laid down, but the theocracies have made a point of subjugating women.

When a guy rapes a women, the fact that it 'is' a rape must be established before anything else. If its just premarital sex, they're both sentenced to a certain number of lashes (the number eludes me now), if its rape, the guy's punished (can't remmember what the punishment is, if the guy's married, the punishment is death), and the women isn't punished (duh!).
Often, rape comes down to "he said she said" and the "he said" takes presidence. Guys who have any kind of power in society are able to get away by due to laws set up in the theocracies, that supposedly suppost Islamic law straight-forwardly, will often disregard the woman's "point-of-view".

The whole sacrifice baby girls thing in the middle east prior to the introduction of islam: The way I understand it, it worked something like this: Arabs lived in tribes, and if a tribe won a tribal war, that tribe would demand that the tribe that lost hand over a certain number of girls (as in for marital purposes, not to be sacrificed or anything). Tribes thought it was disgraceful to have to hand over their girls, so they would kill their baby girls. Plus, gender inequality was much an issue back then, and females were thought to be inferior to males.
We're both right, here.

BTW: The point of "history" is to point out what actually happens versus what the society wants to happen. I'm not really trying to say that any religion or lack of one or any society is bad or wrong; I was just stating what has been observed and written over the millenia about sexual conduct ;)


Jul 21, 2003
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Muhammed, when writing the later chapters, seems to forget the excellent morals he sets forth
Please don't post bs without supporting proof. For your information, prophet muhammed couldn't neither read nor write (which necessitated the use of scribes, and which is why every hadith is followed by a little "rawahoo al (person's name)").

I was refering to the laws, which are quite unfair
You seem to be seperating islam as a religion from islamic laws. Sharia law (thats what its called), IS basically the culmination of all the guidlines set forth by the prophet muhammed's hadiths and the holy quran.

have seen, having lived in a Muslim country, men "deny responsibilty" after divorce. I mostly saw this when the woman would not "provide" the man with male heirs.
While you might have the benefit of having 'lived' in a muslim country, I AM muslim, and live in an islamic country.

Agian, the morals set in the early chapters are "offset" by the laws set in tha later chapters. It may be that theocracies are very bad, but there are many destitute women who are thrown out on the streets just because the "can not" bear a male child.
Please, have you read the quran? I for one have. You're right in saying that the quran is in a sense divided into two seperate sections, but you're interpretation of the different sections is, well, wrong. Section1: alayat al madaniyah, section2: al ayat al makiyah, basically, the quran is divided into verses recorded before and after the hijrah (the great pilgrimage thing). The quran in no way contradicts itself, you're implying it does. The first section focuses on the nabowah, al wahdaniyah al illahiyah, not morals. The latter section of the quran focuses on how muslims should conduct their lives, and it is in the latter section of the quran that one finds rules related to marriage.

Okay, either many/most Muslims are going against Mahammed's law or women really are given the short end of the stick with the later chapter's laws. Again: destitution (and I'm not getting into when females genitalia are mutilated)
right...and you would and the destitution thing, well...its a matter of law that women can't be thrown out by their husbands peniless. A woman can take such a matter to court and demand compensation. Female genitilia mutilation? There are no (0, zit, nadda) references to female genitilia mutilation in the holy quran.

It may not be from certain laws laid down, but the theocracies have made a point of subjugating women.
No, the theocracies can't subjugate women, people do. A theocracy isn't a living entity.

Often, rape comes down to "he said she said" and the "he said" takes presidence. Guys who have any kind of power in society are able to get away by due to laws set up in the theocracies, that supposedly suppost Islamic law straight-forwardly, will often disregard the woman's "point-of-view".
I have to agree with you here. You're absolutely correct, people often abuse power that way, and one's connections can often free one from the most henious of crimes.

I understand that you were trying to be objective with your whole "history of sex" thing, yet I'd still have to label you as a...selective, misinformed historian

its not hard to be unbiased when writing a history, i say the more biased the better. i think men should get some power back, we wernt doing bad back then so i dont think it would necessarly be a bad thing.
History is the study of the past. You don't want preconcieved notions taking precedence over what 'really' happened...and it is VERY, VERY hard to be unbiased when writing history.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
I haven't read the Quraan, no. I, however, wasn't going by what was written in the Islamic holy text. I was trying to go by observations made by Muslims and others. As for the female mutilations, I was refering to the female "circumsition" that goes on mostly in Islamic African nations -- and I said I really didn't want to get into it.

I would have compared Quraan text to what goes on if I had proper referance, but, as you can see, I don't have the proper reference. As for the "scribes" writing down what Muhammed said, that's actually the first time I'd heard that.

Pains Requiem

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Nov 30, 2003
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Roman: The ancient Romans were, perhaps, the most permisciouous of all ancient civiliations. This, however, only applies to the men. Men were allowed to commit "adulty", but, by law, women were not allowed to take on extramarital partners. Women were also considered "unclean" and neccessary only for reproduction. Due to the fact that homosexuality was not only allowed but pushed onto the society, it is estimated that well over 50% of the males in ancient Rome would be considered "bi"sexual now-a-days. The most famous examples of sexual behavior belong to Julius Caeser and Mark Antony -- not that that's an honor.

DUDE julius ceaser was a war general u shit. Nero was the sex-addict person. antony was also a general with ceaser. he ceaser and someone else combined powers to create this great empire. ur sources are messed up. nero was the one who had the whore house built into his palace and raped people in the streets. im studying this right now in school-i have a A so i know what i mean (i hope i do) but i know the ceasor and antony thing is completely wrong


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
Julius Caesar would get prostitutes, concubines, and, specifially, Cleopatra. In fact, she bore his only son.

Pains Requiem

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ceaser was asked to abandon his army and he refused. he took his army into egypt where he did get with cleopatra 4th. ceasur was never a pervert like nero. the roman emperor then attacked ceasur and cleopatra and won-ceasur was a war hero to his people. not some rapist like u had. nothing wrong with havin a kid with cleo, is there? antony , i forgot stuff about him, but put up stuff about nero-he went both ways. he raped people at night-thought it was a sin to be a virgin. he even raped guys. everyone knew it. he killed his own wives. and his mom. nero was the one who invented the game where the towns people run around while he attacks their privates. ceaser was pretty much a hero-not a perv. his sex habits where not strange.

Pains Requiem

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i dunno where rapist came it-but u made it sound like he was a perv saying he had weird sex habits. just sounded mean...thats all.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Erm, this seems a little construed. I'm bothered by the fact that you paraphrase almost 2000 years (1-1950... and the "BC" years), and that you refer to "American Indians" as if they were one civilization, among other things. There's also a very... Christian tone to the writing... ;)
Overall: Iliaran has owned BAM.

Tempest Storm

Premium Member
Apr 5, 2003
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Okay, either many/most Muslims are going against Mahammed's law or women really are given the short end of the stick with the later chapter's laws. Again: destitution (and I'm not getting into when females genitalia are mutilated)
Though FGM does occur mainly in Africa and in the Mid East, it has no basis in Islamic Law or teachings.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
I never said it does, FYI. I am not stating what religious laws say unless in comparison to what is occuring. The only reason I could bring in the Torah or the Bible is because, well, I know them. I didn't try to make this "religiously" toned. I "condense" so many millenia because, well, there wasn't much change during those times. There has been more change since 1950 AD than in the past 2000 years, and well documented BC times are far and few between.

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