The Ghost Mods...


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
Not telling. lol

Here's an example.

- R refers to random when choosing race
- Ran means terRAN.
- Rax is a Barrack.
- Rax floating is a common strategy on air maps. Barracks are secretly flown into your enemies base. Also done with factories.
Then they are used to produce marines from the inside of his base. (Can also be done with Factories)
- rc or r/c means recreate the game.
- re rematch
- Rep or Replay is a pre-recorded game that can be viewed by one or more
players. Its primary purpose is to assist in strategy so players
know what they did wrong in a game they lost, or what the pros do
right in order to win. You can watch a replay by choosing "create game", and
browse to find the replay-file. (usually in the download catalogue)
- Reavs are Reavers.
- Restore is Restoration.
- Rines are Marines.
- rm remake the game.
- Robo Facil (Robo) is a Robotics Facility.
- Robo Bay is a Robotics Support Bay.
- a "Rush" is a really early attack. Usually by getting zerglings,
marines or zealots as fast as possible, and caught the enemy
unprepared. (This however sacrifices mid-game economy)

- Sairs are Corsairs. Also called cors
- Sal sal means “sucks†in Korean.
- SCC is the Starcraft Compendium. It contains all the unit stats
and information most gamers need, although it has glaring errors
regarding strategy.
- SCM is the name-extension for vanilla starcraft maps. (e.g. hunters.scm)
- SCX is the name-extension for brood war maps.
- SCXE is the StarCraft X-tra Editor. Basically an enhanced map-editor which supports many effects not
supported by the normal Starcraft Campaign Editor. E.g. colour text, free placement of buildings,
extra units and triggers.
- Sci Facil (Facil) is a Science Facility.
- a "Server Split" occurs when one or more servers become
so overloaded that they either crash and restart or sever
themselves from the network. This results in server instability
and massive user disconnection and makes it difficult to keep in
contact with the rest of for the purposes of starting a
game. Server splits do not affect games in progress.
- Sair Whoring is the process of using a substantial amount of
Corsairs for the purpose of large-scale Overlord Hunting, air
superiority, or massive use of Disruption Web.
- SCV-rush is to take all or some of your workers and attack your enemy,
usually really early. (same with drone-rush and probe-rush)
- Shift-queue. All units, except buildings has a command queue, where up to 12
keyboard and mouse-commands can be stored. You tell a unit to add a command to
the queue by holding shift at the same time as hitting your key, or clicking the mouse.
For example, to tell a marine to scout all 4 corners of a map, hold shift while clicking at the four corners of the minimap. The marine will now walk to each corner in the order you instructed him to. Shift-queuing is often used when attacking with several units to concentrate damage. When attacking with 12 wraiths against a couple of carriers, Shift-queue attack on each carrier, so that you destroy one carrier at a time, instead of dealing a small damage to all carriers.
- Sieging is the process of switching a Siege Tank from Tank Mode to
Siege Mode.
- Silo is a Nuclear Silo.
- "Single file" is when you walk your units a longer distance, and they start to
walk in a single file. It is very bad to attack this way, since your units reach the
enemy one at a time.
- Smurfing is when using a temporary nick without telling anyone who you really are. A smurfing person is called a Smurf.
- Speed often refers to overlord speed, or zealot speed. When a zerg is found to have researched overlord speed, there is a fair chance he is going for some kind of drop.
- Speedlings are Zerglings with the Metabolic Boost upgrade.
- Speedvults are vultures with Ion Thrusters. They are the fastest unit in starcraft.
- Spore is a Spore Colony.
- Splash is splash damage. Damage that hits several units at once. From
siege tanks, corsairs, firebats for example.
- Split see Worker Split.
-a "spoofer hack" allows a user to appear with a different name in games. It is most easily recognisable when the user has spaces or other invalid characters in their name, or if it appears in color. But the spoofer does not actually change their account name, so they can still be detected using /whereis. If JoeUser joins the game but /whereis JoeUser does not respond with the game name, then he's using a spoofer.
- SS is a screenshot
- Sunken or Sunks is one or multiple Sunken Colonies.
- StarEdit is the Starcraft Campaign Editor, used to create and edit maps.
- SV's are Science Vessels.
- Swarm is Dark Swarm. (Also just called "ds" sometimes)

- T refers to Terran.
- a "Tank Push" is the process of Sieging some Tanks while leaving
others Unsieged, and slowly pushing forward in a leapfrog manner.
- Tech tree is the logical progression of technologies that a race
possesses. Climbing the tech tree involves constructing a set
order of buildings in order to reach the higher tiered (most
advanced) units or techs. The highest techs are said to be at the
top of the tech tree.
- Temple, is “The Lost Templeâ€, the most played map professionally
speaking. (Also called LT.)
- TM = Team melee, a game-mode where several players/races share the same base and units.
- Toss are Protoss.
- Tribunal is an Arbiter Tribunal.
- Triggers are the logic behind an UMS-map. An UMS map can be constructed with hundreds of triggers, each consisting of a "Condition" and an "Action" part.
- T_T korean smiley for a sad face. The "T" is a sad eye with a tear rolling down the chin.
The "_" is the mouth.
- Turbo Newbie is the process of dropping on a cliff overlooking an
enemy expansion, originally with tank/3marine/SCV for bunker and
turret. More commonly just called cliff drops.
- to "Turtle" is to overdefend your base, often by building
to many non-movable defensive structures, like bunkers, turrets,
- TvB means "Top versus Bottom", and is used when dividing teams,
just before starting the game. The top players in the list against the bottom
players. (Sometimes also called BvT)

Wing Zero

lol just as planned
Oct 27, 2002
Reaction score
damn thats long list


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
My house
with thx to master virus (thx master virus!) im adding this to the trigger faq even tho it isin't for triggers.

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