The evolution of the human Motive


Jul 25, 2004
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Ever since the beginning of time man has had a motive for what he has done. A long time ago, man would kill for survival. Today, mroe and more people kill for sport and not so much as survival. Do any of you think that the human motive goes through an evolution as well as the human itself? I think so.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 21, 2002
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yes, it does eventually. as things are not needed anymore you may still see the animals having the instinct, but no real use for it.

they will substitute. like you said, hunting is a good example. we still have that human urge to kill, we dont need to kill in order to survive. eventually i think our instincts will catch up with us, and we wont have that urge to kill..... i hope so. maybe less wars will be fought.

but the point is, nature tends to get rid of things that are not nessicary to survival... well, not get rid of as much as they go away on their own because other types of genetic makeups can survive and reproduce... now this is assuming this uge to kill comes from your genetics. thats dangerouis to say... because you may start accusing people of murder or something because their genetic makeup has a high probability of them killing something... this could be very dangerous if the eyes of the law start checking peoples genetic makeup to see what kind of person they might be. i think this is no good... coz honestly, i think people are the way they are more because of how they were brought up, not their genes... but its nature vrs. nurture. theres arguments for both sides. it could just be very dangerous and deadly to innocent people in court.


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Yeah, and this also sadly means that humans are going to grow weaker and weaker because we don't need the strength but, we are most likely going to grow even smarter, to make up for it. Because our intellegence is starting to become a bigger priority that our strength.

You bring a interesting point amrtin77, imagine a court basing a decision on genetic make up, maybe it could help a case but not completely win a case. It still has some effect on how you mature, although the way you are brought up takes priority.

Maybe one day our evolved insticts will wipe us out, if some sort of disaster were to happen and leave us without technology, we would be pretty much screwed(This like in 100 years when we have almost no desire to hunt).


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May 17, 2003
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Our motives are changing because we are adapting to the rapid growth of technology and we are in a more intellectual period rather than a need to survive period such as the cave men days. I feel that we humans will adapt to whatever happens in the future, even if it is a technology disaster like ORC-r0x0r-ROC stated.

Anyway, the human motive has been changing since human creation and all the way up to now, and it will continue to change.

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