The FCC is coming up with so many lame excuses to censor every other word in the dictionary.
I have a child. Wonder of wonders, I don't agree with censorship. Sure I don't want hardcore porn being played during "child safe" hours. No reason to see "Debbie Does Dallas" playing in the same time slot as Barney. That's just common sense. However, we're discussing, for the most part, adult programming. Shows aimed at adults. I fully expect to hear risque comments, discussions, and topics.
What happened to responsibility? I'm a parent, sure.. but to only 1 child. I'm not here to raise anyone else's child. *I* know how to change the channel. I know how to turn the dial. I know how to turn the radio and television OFF. I don't expect you or anyone else to decide what is indecent. I don't expect you to cater to making sure that everything is "safe" for my 3 year old daughter. It's my daughter, it's MY job to raise her! I just wish everyone else could figure that out.
I guess we should expect this kind of behaviour from a bunch of people who were raised in front of the television. Why pay attention to little Johnny or Susie, when you can just plunk em in front of the TV and forget about them? Why read to them at night when television can educate them?! Why teach them morals and manners, when you can let "Full House" do it for you!?
Am I way off base? Should we censor programming to protect the children of those people who refuse to change the channel or turn the TV/radio off? SHOULD we cater to the more "sensitive" people?
The FCC is coming up with so many lame excuses to censor every other word in the dictionary.
I have a child. Wonder of wonders, I don't agree with censorship. Sure I don't want hardcore porn being played during "child safe" hours. No reason to see "Debbie Does Dallas" playing in the same time slot as Barney. That's just common sense. However, we're discussing, for the most part, adult programming. Shows aimed at adults. I fully expect to hear risque comments, discussions, and topics.
What happened to responsibility? I'm a parent, sure.. but to only 1 child. I'm not here to raise anyone else's child. *I* know how to change the channel. I know how to turn the dial. I know how to turn the radio and television OFF. I don't expect you or anyone else to decide what is indecent. I don't expect you to cater to making sure that everything is "safe" for my 3 year old daughter. It's my daughter, it's MY job to raise her! I just wish everyone else could figure that out.
I guess we should expect this kind of behaviour from a bunch of people who were raised in front of the television. Why pay attention to little Johnny or Susie, when you can just plunk em in front of the TV and forget about them? Why read to them at night when television can educate them?! Why teach them morals and manners, when you can let "Full House" do it for you!?
Am I way off base? Should we censor programming to protect the children of those people who refuse to change the channel or turn the TV/radio off? SHOULD we cater to the more "sensitive" people?