Many have asked the question of who is the best starcraft race? Well if one considers the two main factors: Air-Ground The choice is simple but not obvouis.
If used properyly Terran have been proved to be the most beneficial race. Through thier Tanks in siege and "val's" they prove to dominate air and ground. If thats not enough "BCs" seem always unstopable when maxed.
Terran have a great rush with marines and can easily defend against ling rush. Nukes are always a big help and WHEN USED PROPERLY CAN eazily take races out.
Well thats wut i have to say about it tell me if you agree or not i would like to hear some feed back.
If used properyly Terran have been proved to be the most beneficial race. Through thier Tanks in siege and "val's" they prove to dominate air and ground. If thats not enough "BCs" seem always unstopable when maxed.
Terran have a great rush with marines and can easily defend against ling rush. Nukes are always a big help and WHEN USED PROPERLY CAN eazily take races out.
Well thats wut i have to say about it tell me if you agree or not i would like to hear some feed back.