The almighty BNetHacking FAQ - Everything you need is here

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Sep 30, 2002
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FAQ - Lots of info , Chat in color , ith , packets , dupeing ... So on.....

This thread contains almost everything you will need.
As addition use the function.

Collected for you by
TheSummit aka Storm

Sections: -

1) Common used programs + where to download
2) Simple Packet infomation
3) Infomation about duped items
4) How to dupe & how to make ith & What is it?
5) Previous Dupe methods.
6) Chatting in color
7) Rollback methods.
8) Hack sites.
9) PvPGn
10) Information about bugged items
11) CDkey Refiller explained
12) Running multiple D2's on one PC
13) Security downloads and Online Scanner
14) Tradehack 3 + Strategies
15) A list of Scam tactics
16) How to join our IRC Channel
17) [HOW TO] Visual Basic for morons by Starfish
18) Modules released on Battleforums
19) Getting rid of Trojan SubSeven
20) Ways to Find Back Orifice useing Netstat

Section 1 Common used programs + where to download.

Ok The most Common Hack program used in Diablo II has to be Maphack
Only download maphack from trused sites , such as And the
Offical Maphack site

What does maphack do
Maphack is a amazing program which Reveles the whole Map in the Act
that you are on, it shows Monsters, chests, Caves, holes, Wp's,
amazons arrows, Shrines .. And so on. Alot of people use maphack and
is very easy to use, some users claim that they were banned for using
maphack but i think that maphack a safe program to use.
Also Whilst using maphack if you put your cursor over someone else's
character and press "0" it will show you what items they wear, you
cannot take the items off another player though. Also if you press
"9" over someone elses SOCKETED item it will show you what the item
has been socketed with.

d2hack is a program for diablo II which allows you to execute modules
for diablo. such as SnifferXp, Which allows you to sniff packets which
are being sent from the server , and packeted which are being received.
more infomation on Packets in section 2

Section 2 Simple packet infomation.
Posted by Thesummit.

Hi guyz

As many of us are not that experienced with packets I thought this might help a bit.
These are some of methods using snifferxp, bind, block and trigger for D2HackIt.

To keep the thread clean it would be nice not to flame here or say non-sense like "I knew all that 3 years ago".
I guess there are a lot of other threads to increase your postings. Thx a lot

If u got questions/ideas/experiences u want to share or anything else concerning D2Hackit packet sending/receiving stuff post it plz.

I attached a ready HackIt v.81 folder including all modules that are needed for the commands below and their ReadMe's in a special folder. The archive also contains the packed modules, Gayak's Paketlist (also stickied) I gave a clearer design, a module template (template.cpp) for those of you who are ready to write your own modules and a copy of this thread.

Ok then let's go

1. Start Diablo 2
2. Enter a game and start loader.exe to start HackIt
3. To load a module (example: trigger) go to your HackIt folder and look for a file named trigger.d2h
4. In game type ".load trigger". You should get th message "Module 'trigger' by bootyjuice loaded!"

For the following commands we do not need to load a module.

[No module needed | HackIt must be active]

[Command .receive [packet] ]
Simulates packets from Server -> Client

.receive 7710 = open stash everywhere
.receive 7715 = open cube everywhere
.receive 2c00010000001500 = Char says: "It's closed" or "I need a key" :)
(tested with barb only)

I tested the following receives in singleplayer mode.
They are clientside and do not effect gameplay. But look pretty funny :D

.receive 1f0002c240XX = Change XX to set your strength
.receive 1f0102c240XX = Change XX to set your energie
.receive 1f0202c240XX = Change XX to set your dexterity
.receive 1f0302c240XX = Change XX to set your vitality

.receive 1f0b02c240XX = Change XX to set your current stamina
.receive 1f0900b80bXX = Change XX to set your current mana
.receive 1f0800b80bXX = Change XX to set your max mana
.receive 1f0700b80bXX = Change XX to set your current life
.receive 1f0600b80bXX = Change XX to set your max life
.receive 1f0500b80bXX = Change XX to set your available skill points
.receive 1f0400b80bXX = Change XX to set your available stat points


[Command .send [packet] ]
Sends packets from Client -> Server

(See section trigger for a method to get the item's I)

.send 500100000001000000 = drop 1 gold :)
.send 19XX000000 = pick up item from inventory XX=Items ID
.send 17XX000000 = drop item from cursor to ground XX=Items ID
.send 1604000000XX00000000000000 = pick up item from ground to inventory XX=Items ID
.send 18XX000000YY000000ZZ000000 = put item from cursor to inventory where

YY is the column starting with 00
ZZ is the row starting with 00

Example: A gem placed in the third row / second column of your inventory (the OO).

.....00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09

YY is 01
ZZ is 02

The packet to put this gem from cursor to this position is:
.send 18XX0000000100000002000000

Btw how do you like my scheme? :)


[Command .click [x-coords] [y-coords] ] for resolution 800x600
Simulates mouse clicks.

.click 286 414 = open inventory

.click 350 200 = pick up gloves
.click 350 100 = pick up weapon
.click 490 100 = pick up armor
.click 485 30 = pick up helm
.click 600 100 = pick up shield
.click 545 50 = pick up amulett
.click 420 190 = pick up left ring
.click 540 190 = pick up right ring

[Command .repeat [count] [command] ]
Repeats a [command] [count] number of times

.repeat 100 send 500100000001000000 = Drops 1 Gold 100 times (use this if u are asked for money for a merc)


The next commands need a specific module loaded.
1. SnifferXp
2. Trigger
3. Block
4. Bind

[Module snifferxp - snifferxp.d2h]
[Command .snifferxp show/hide [r|s] [packet] ]
Sniffs the sent and received packets and shows them on screen.

.load snifferxp = Load the module
.snifferxp show all = Show all sent and received packets
.snifferxp show s XX = Shows sent packets starting with XX
.snifferxp hide s XX = Hides sent packets starting with XX
.snifferxp save MyFilter = Saves current filter to section MyFilter (call it as you like)
.snifferxp load MyFilter = Loads filter from section MyFilter

You can edit the filters in the file snifferxp.ini


[Module trigger - trigger.d2h]
[Command .trigger set [r|s] [command1] [command2] ]

.load trigger = Load the module
.trigger set s 19XX overhead Item ID is 'XX' = Tells you the ID of the item u pick up overhead.
.trigger set s 1301000000XX overhead NPC ID is 'XX' = Tells you the ID of the NPC you talk to overhead.
.trigger clear = Clear all triggers

You can edit the triggers in the file trigger.ini


[Module block - block.d2h]
[Command .block un/block [r|s] [packet] ]

.block block s 19 = Blocks packet to pick up items from inventory
.block block s 16 = Blocks packet to pick up item from ground
.block block s 17 = Blocks packet to drop items from cursor to ground
.block block s 18 = Blocks packet to put items from cursor to inventory
.block block s 66 = Blocks packet to end game

.block unblock s 19 = Unblocks packet to pick up items from inventory
.block clear = Unblock all

You can edit the blockfilter in the file block.ini


[Module bind - bind.d2h]
[Command .bind set [keycode] [returncode] [command] ]

.bind keycode = Tells you the keycode of the key
.bind set 70 70 overhead Hi = Binds the overhead message "Hi" to key F1
.bind set 71 71 send 66 = Binds the packet for "Leave Game" to key F2

You can edit the binds in the file bind.ini


To extract the attachments u need to download BOTH .zip files extract them into the folder "HackIt_Starter".

The attachments can be found in the next posts.

TheSummit's originally attached files:

Part 1


HackIt v.81 folder with the mentioned modules ready to go
Readme's for the modules

Part 2


Gayak's Packetlist (in the design i use)
A copy of this thread
Zipped versions of the modules mentioned in the thread
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