Tata is also expanding into the world market. It acquired Korea's Daweoo in 2004 and is now the top bidder to purchase the originally British Jaguar and Land Rover lines from the United States' troubled Ford Motor Company.
whats the world coming to..
il be dead before im seen stepping foot in one of them gaymobile hairdresser cars, i thought Mercedes Smartcars were bad enough, look at it
It is currently working on producing the world's cheapest car, which will be almost 100% plastic and will sell in India for about $2500.
meaning its gonna have the impact resistance of a kids electric go cart in any type of collision, that is if it actually reaches the claimed 70mph redline (bull****) without being blown into the oncoming lane or getting some extreme air from wind resistance, unless the plan was to kill half of Indias population all along..
some of this **** is so stupid, just makes you laugh. stop pissing about with hybrid synergy, biodeisel, electric and this stupid air power crap, get your fingers out your asses and start making hydrogen powered cars available on a larger scale..