*Temp* Trading in general

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BattleForums Addict
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Dear BattleForums Patrons

We at battleforums would like to make a few things clear. The selling or trading of any accounts, be it hacked or otherwise, is allowed. We do not take responsiblity for any fraudulant material. If by any chance you get cheated please Private Message: Myself (Dumbazz2000) or CrookedFoot. You may also contact us by the email link within our profiles. We will do what we can to rectify the situtaion. Battleforums will not, I stress will not reimburse you for loss or damages. Any trading is done at your own risk. We would like to stress that we allow the trading or selling of these, but we do not condone it.

Caveat emptor (KA-way-at EMP-tor) Literally: let him beware; let the buyer beware (he alone is responsible for making a bad purchase).

Please be careful. Take caution with online transactions just like real life ones. We leave you with a few words of wisdom by Charles Caleb Colton :
Deliberate with caution, but act with decision; and yield with graciousness, or oppose with firmness.


D-man (Dumbazz2000)

Starcraft Hacking Mod.
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