Team Baal Botting.


Jul 19, 2003
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well all u got to do with the guy actually "running" is set his "publicmode" to higher than 1 then for the other bots ur usin just make them use the "symbiote" option. make sure they (the ones not running) are set to "usefriendslist" to true and "waitintownfortp" to true. Put the guy that's actually running in the "leaders" file.I think that should do it for ya...let me know if it doesn't work. Oh and btw I think u have to use 2 different accounts to run multiple bots together. But I don't know I don't run multiple bots. but best of luck to you my friend!


Mar 24, 2005
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Garden Grove, CA
this guide includes setting up your bot, along with what the people that will be joining the games will need to have in there scripts, first 1-4=host, second 1-4=joiners *not sure if the things are any different, im not quite sure about the differences between joiners/hosters

STEP 1: Put the "//" in front of all of the runs but baal.

YAMXXP.push("Baal"); // baal must be last for the other script to run unless you want to use the special feature.
STEP 2: This step is for the general information you are going to want to have

YAM_TPMsg="tp up";
YAM_UseFriendsList=true; - this will spam friends list to join your game, if you wish to whisper you will need to change to false and amke sure there chars names are cased right and in d2leaders file.
PublicMode = 0;
Change PublicMode from 0 to 1
so it now should look like this unless your whispering users
YAM_TPMsg="tp up";
PublicMode = 1;
Scroll down more and find the follwowing
YAM_MinGameLength = 200;
YAM_MaxGameLength = 660; // Default is 8 min, don't set too low or you may not kill everyone !
YAM_GameCatchup = 1000;
Changd min length to 300 - this number helps reduce r/ds
max length to 1000 - max sure you dont levae game prematurly if killing baal - set higher fi your going to do more then just baal 
Cathup = 3000 - this is to help avoid lag out - aka chicken due to lag
It shoudl now look like this
YAM_MinGameLength = 300;
YAM_MaxGameLength = 1000; // Default is 8 min, don't set too low or you may not kill everyone !
YAM_GameCatchup = 3000;
STEP 3: The baal portion of the scripts:

BXP_ClearFirst = true; - change it to false if you do want to clear mobs before openign a portal - chang this can cause alot fo deaths and get pissed off people at you
SkipBaal = false; - change to true if you dont want to kill baal - as gneeral rule i dont set to true unless i m 90 plus 
VenomLordCTA = false; - change to true if u have cta and plan on doing baal
RemovePoison=false; if you chicken bcz of posion alot set it to true to go to town to remove posion
STEP 4: D2 Leaders/Leechers
Now open YAM_Leaders.d2l in the djsp\scripts\libs\YAMB\configs file

You will see


Change that to the person who will be doing the teling for example in my scenario it would be:
[quote=bio.hazard setup?]Leaders.push("Hammerz_Godly");

Rember this is case sentive

Now if you want to bo other bots or you are whispering you will add them as well for exampel i ant my sorc to to be boed i would add


to the file. If you have more then 2 peopel team boting copy and paste one of the Leaders.push and change the name.

I bo all my bots so my file will look like this:


*note that i have NEVER tried to mutlibot or anything... so you might need to tinker with what i have said or w/e

STEP 1: Put the "//" in front of all of the runs but baal.

YAMXXP.push("Baal"); // baal must be last for the other script to run unless you want to use the special feature.
STEP 2: This step is for the general information you are going to want to have

YAM_TPMsg="tp up";
YAM_UseFriendsList=true; - this will spam friends list to join your game, if you wish to whisper you will need to change to false and amke sure there chars names are cased right and in d2leaders file.
PublicMode = 0;
Change PublicMode from 0 to 1
so it now should look like this unless your whispering users
YAM_TPMsg="tp up";
PublicMode = 1;
Scroll down more and find the follwowing
YAM_MinGameLength = 200;
YAM_MaxGameLength = 660; // Default is 8 min, don't set too low or you may not kill everyone !
YAM_GameCatchup = 1000;
Changd min length to 300 - this number helps reduce r/ds
max length to 1000 - max sure you dont levae game prematurly if killing baal - set higher fi your going to do more then just baal 
Cathup = 3000 - this is to help avoid lag out - aka chicken due to lag
It shoudl now look like this
YAM_MinGameLength = 300;
YAM_MaxGameLength = 1000; // Default is 8 min, don't set too low or you may not kill everyone !
YAM_GameCatchup = 3000;
STEP 3: Baal Setup
BXP_ClearFirst = true; - change it to false if you do want to clear mobs before openign a portal - chang this can cause alot fo deaths and get pissed off people at you
VenomLordCTA = false; - change to true if u have cta and plan on doing baal
RemovePoison=false; if you chicken bcz of posion alot set it to true to go to town to remove posion
STEP 4: D2 Leaders/Leechers
Now open YAM_Leaders.d2l in the djsp\scripts\libs\YAMB\configs file

You will see


Change that to the person who will be doing the teling for example in my scenario it would be:
[quote=bio.hazard setup?]Leaders.push("Hammerz_Godly");

Rember this is case sentive

Now if you want to bo other bots or you are whispering you will add them as well for exampel i ant my sorc to to be boed i would add


to the file. If you have more then 2 peopel team boting copy and paste one of the Leaders.push and change the name.

I bo all my bots so my file will look like this:


Notes: Ive never done this before, so bare with me because I am pretty noob to how to do this, i think this would be a decent start on how to do it


May 18, 2005
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what he said

speaking of teambaaling
anyone want to make a group
im lvl 90 hammerdin and i can hold my own end


New Member
Apr 28, 2005
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Ya i wanna set up 2 of my characters to work together doin baal runs... 1 is my hammerdn with enigma (obviously hes gonna be the 1 telein to throne etc.) and the 2nd is my barb. My pally lacks a CTA so i was wondering if i were to set this up... would the barb wait to BO etc my pally when he entered the portal or would he just do himself and MAYBE get my pally occasionally when he just happened to be in range. If that's the case, how can i configure it so that he'll BO etc my pally everytime.

Soul reason i'm wanna set this up is because i want my pally to be BOed etc.

edit: they're lvl 90 and 86 btw.


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