I love that game!!! I haven't beat it yet so I am still mad at it.yep, gran turismo 3
I love that game!!! I haven't beat it yet so I am still mad at it.yep, gran turismo 3
Originally posted by bamthedoc
I'm curious as to if I'm the only person who doesn't like Grand Theft Auto and Grand Turismo, though I like GT more than GTA. (and I mean here)
Vice City's also on the PC (the one that'll be on the X-Box).Originally posted by IDefy
One of the reasons I bought PS2 was because of GTA but now its coming out for xbox. # 3 that is.
In any case:Vice City on the PC looks so much better than Vice City for the PS2. I mean... Just look at them!
Originally posted by bamthedoc
I just wanted to figure out what a lot of forumers own. This can include games, and I'd like to see reasons. DO NOT BASH SYSTEMS IN THIS THREAD, PERIOD!! You can also include consoles systems you are thinking about adding to your home entertainment system.
And example would be:
I own the NES, SNES, N64, and GameCube. I also own the GameBoy, GameBoy Color, and GameBoy Advance. I'm thinking of getting the PS2 sometime, but don't know if I will before the end of it's lifespan. I may end up getting the PS3 (or is it officially X?) around (slightly after) the time I get the 256-bit Nintendo console. The same thing goes for the X-Box, but I'd prefer waiting for a major price drop. I also own a PC, duh
The reasons I got the GC were simple. I prefered the future game release list, as I'm a bigger fan of Zelda. I like playing my larger library of exclusive titles, and I don't care about "backwards compadibilty" since I don't tend to sell my older consoles and games (unless they really stink). Needless to say, I'm glad to have MMNT, SoA: L, LoZ: WW, LK, EW, SSBM, and all the titles I have. FYI: Mario Party is just fun
GBA is somewhat obvious. It has the largest library of all (500 titles). I enjoy playing GS I and II on the system, and I like FFTA. Then there is the KH exclusive (occurs between KH I and II) coming. I like playing a few SNES remakes that I somehow missed out on (BoF I and II). And I even play LoZ: LttP (even though I have the SNES) for it's addition.
I want to get the PS3 (or next gen) because it has FFVII - FFX (and XI soon, possibly exclusive XII -- but that remains to be seen). It also has FFT, and I enjoyed that -- though I never did beat it. KH looks good, and KH II is coming though it has a chance, slim, of being GC/PS2 upon release. There are others, but I haven't completely decided yet. Also, backward compadibility keeps me from needing to by the PS , but that's besides the point.
As per the X-Box, it has some titles that I hope don't move to the PC. There may be some RPGs exclusive the the X-Box coming soon, but it remains to be seen if they will stay on the system or not. The biggest problem with me and the X-Box is the price. I really could care less about the DVD player because I have one (and could easily buy two seperate systems -- using GC and a regular DVD player as an example -- for less). I'll have to check out the "smaller" controller to see it the grip (controller and buttons) is better.
FYI: I'm taking some suggestions. NO FANBOY SUGGESTIONS TAKEN!!
I basically have a PC, primarily, for work and processing , but I do play some games. The PC has the widest range of games, and some of my favorite DnD titles. It also has some of the only "free" multi-player online games. I doubt I will pay for many, if any, games like that
In any case, that's actually my answer. Don't give any fanboyish answers, as that will get you nowhere in this thread. I didn't make this a poll because of the sear number of options that could be put into this. I just want an honest discussion (and that means no bashing). If you don't know what "bashing" is, I'll give the most common examples.
GC: It's kiddie.
PS2: Graphics are no good.
X-Box: I hate Bill Gates.
^Those are only examples. There are more.^