if the bot has its own logfile not the item log
you need to disable it or else it will log EVERY action the bot makes into this file sooner or later this fill will be so full when the bot accesses it..........CRASH!!!!!
if it does in fact have its own log file like meph bot does
it will look like this on the inside
12/22/02 20:55:04 wrapper: --------------------------WRAPPER-STARTED---------------------------------
12/22/02 20:55:04 wrapper: Mephbot version 0.91 wrapper started on WIN_ME
12/22/02 20:55:04 wrapper: Run name: 20021222205504
12/22/02 20:55:05 wrapper: Starting Diablo II (C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe -w -skiptobnet -res800 -lq -title "Diablo II" -ns)
12/22/02 20:55:31 wrapper: Logging into account voice
12/22/02 20:55:37 wrapper: Selecting character number 1
12/22/02 20:55:41 wrapper: Performing chat actions
12/22/02 20:55:45 wrapper: Starting d2hackit (C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\MEPHBOT0.91\\Loader.exe)
12/22/02 20:55:46 00000000 mephbot: WARNING: Config variable GameNamePrefix unset!
12/22/02 20:55:46 00000000 mephbot: WARNING: Config variable MephWeaponSwitchHealth unset!
12/22/02 20:55:46 00000000 mephbot: WARNING: Config variable ProtectionSkill3 unset!
12/22/02 20:55:46 00000000 mephbot: WARNING: Config variable ProtectionSkill4 unset!
12/22/02 20:55:46 00000000 mephbot: WARNING: Config variable ProtectionSkill5 unset!
12/22/02 20:55:46 00000000 mephbot: WARNING: Config variable ProtectionSkill6 unset!
12/22/02 20:55:46 00000000 mephbot: WARNING: Config variable ProtectionSkill7 unset!
12/22/02 20:55:46 00000000 mephbot: WARNING: Config variable ProtectionSkill8 unset!
12/22/02 20:55:46 00000000 mephbot: Mephbot version 0.91 started
12/22/02 20:55:46 00000000 mephbot: Built on Sep 21 2002 at 13:18:16
12/22/02 20:55:46 00000000 mephbot: Starting keystrokes, mouseclicks, and packet-sending thread
12/22/02 20:55:46 00000000 mephbot: Automation Thread started successfully, tdAutomation.Thread = 508
12/22/02 20:55:46 00000000 mephbot: Utility Thread started successfully, tdUtil.Thread = 50C
12/22/02 20:55:46 00000000 mephbot: ***** Changing state to ***** Starting new game
12/22/02 20:55:54 00000080 mephbot: Performing chat actions
12/22/02 20:55:54 00000080 mephbot: Creating new game
12/22/02 20:55:54 00000080 mephbot: ***** Changing state to ***** Start issued
12/22/02 20:56:09 00000223 mephbot: -------------------------GAME-JOINED-----------------------------
12/22/02 20:56:09 00000223 mephbot: Joined game
12/22/02 20:56:09 00000226 mephbot: Got a 0x1f0f gold update: I have 101836 gold in stash now.
12/22/02 20:56:09 00000226 mephbot: Got a 0x1e0e gold update: I'm carrying 18297 gold now.
12/22/02 20:56:10 00000233 mephbot: Got a 0x1f0f gold update: I have 101836 gold in stash now.
12/22/02 20:56:10 00000233 mephbot: Act changed/game ready
12/22/02 20:56:10 00000233 mephbot: ***** Changing state to ***** Game Started
12/22/02 20:56:15 00000283 mephbot: Starting up
12/22/02 20:56:15 00000283 mephbot: Sending d2hackit command "pickit deactivate"
12/22/02 20:56:15 00000283 mephbot: Walking to Ormus
12/22/02 20:56:15 00000283 mephbot: ***** Changing state to ***** Walking to Ormus
12/22/02 20:56:18 00000313 mephbot: ***** Changing state to ***** Talking to Ormus
12/22/02 20:56:18 00000314 mephbot: Opening Store with Ormus
12/22/02 20:56:19 00000323 mephbot: Walking closer to Ormus
12/22/02 20:56:19 00000324 mephbot: Opening Store with Ormus
12/22/02 20:56:20 00000333 mephbot: Walking closer to Ormus
12/22/02 20:56:20 00000334 mephbot: Opening Store with Ormus
12/22/02 20:56:21 00000342 mephbot: Got Kurast Docks waypoint ID (0x1C) at (1427, 13B9)
12/22/02 20:56:21 00000343 mephbot: Walking closer to Ormus
12/22/02 20:56:22 00000344 mephbot: Opening Store with Ormus
12/22/02 20:56:23 00000353 mephbot: Walking closer to Ormus
12/22/02 20:56:23 00000354 mephbot: Opening Store with Ormus
12/22/02 20:56:24 00000363 mephbot: Walking closer to Ormus
12/22/02 20:56:24 00000364 mephbot: Opening Store with Ormus
12/22/02 20:56:25 00000373 mephbot: Walking closer to Ormus
12/22/02 20:56:25 00000374 mephbot: Opening Store with Ormus
12/22/02 20:56:25 00000376 mephbot: Store opened with Ormus
12/22/02 20:56:25 00000376 mephbot: ***** Changing state to ***** Store open
12/22/02 20:56:25 00000376 mephbot: hp4 potion now ranked the best
12/22/02 20:56:26 00000386 mephbot: ***** Changing state to ***** Closing store
12/22/02 20:56:27 00000393 mephbot: Got a 0x1e0e gold update: I'm carrying 16947 gold now.
12/22/02 20:56:27 00000396 mephbot: Closing store with Ormus
12/22/02 20:56:27 00000396 mephbot: Walking to stash
12/22/02 20:56:27 00000396 mephbot: ***** Changing state to ***** Walking to stash
12/22/02 20:56:28 00000406 mephbot: unique Swirling Crystal switched out (no longer using) (body code = 11)
12/22/02 20:56:28 00000406 mephbot: set Kite Shield switched out (no longer using) (body code = 12)
12/22/02 20:56:28 00000406 mephbot: unique Shamshir switched out (no longer using) (body code = 4)
12/22/02 20:56:28 00000406 mephbot: magic (null) †€AÃÃÃýýýý switched out (no longer using) (body code = 5)
12/22/02 20:56:30 00000426 mephbot: Skipping stash visit
12/22/02 20:56:30 00000426 mephbot: ***** Changing state to ***** Walking to waypoint
12/22/02 20:56:31 00000436 mephbot: Walking to waypoint
12/22/02 20:56:31 00000436 mephbot: ***** Changing state to ***** Taking waypoint
12/22/02 20:56:32 00000446 mephbot: Taking waypoint to Durance 2
12/22/02 20:56:33 00000453 mephbot: Got Durance 2 waypoint location (4474, 19F4)
12/22/02 20:56:33 00000454 mephbot: Arrived in Durance 2
12/22/02 20:56:33 00000454 mephbot: ***** Changing state to ***** Casting protection
12/22/02 20:56:34 00000462 mephbot: Casting Protection Skills
12/22/02 20:56:36 00000480 mephbot: ***** Changing state to ***** Finding stairs
12/22/02 20:56:36 00000483 mephbot: Maphack located the stairs down
12/22/02 20:56:36 00000483 mephbot: Dijkstra() built a path to the stairs
12/22/02 20:56:36 00000483 mephbot: ***** Changing state to ***** Moving toward stairs
12/22/02 20:56:36 00000487 mephbot: unique Shamshir switched out (no longer using) (body code = 11)
12/22/02 20:56:36 00000487 mephbot: magic (null) ‰€AÃÃÃýýýý switched out (no longer using) (body code = 12)
12/22/02 20:56:36 00000487 mephbot: unique Swirling Crystal switched in (currently using) (body code = 4)
12/22/02 20:56:36 00000487 mephbot: set Kite Shield switched in (currently using) (body code = 5)
12/22/02 20:56:37 00000490 mephbot: unique Swirling Crystal switched out (no longer using) (body code = 11)
12/22/02 20:56:37 00000490 mephbot: set Kite Shield switched out (no longer using) (body code = 12)
12/22/02 20:56:37 00000490 mephbot: unique Shamshir switched in (currently using) (body code = 4)
12/22/02 20:56:37 00000490 mephbot: magic (null) à ‚€AÃÃÃýýýý switched in (currently using) (body code = 5)
12/22/02 20:56:41 00000530 mephbot: Got stairs object ID (0)
12/22/02 20:56:44 00000562 mephbot: We have arrived next to the stairs
12/22/02 20:56:44 00000562 mephbot: StairsXY = (44F7, 1974)
12/22/02 20:56:44 00000562 mephbot: ***** Changing state to ***** Moving to stairs
12/22/02 20:56:45 00000571 mephbot: ***** Changing state to ***** Taking stairs
12/22/02 20:56:46 00000581 mephbot: Taking stairs (StairObjID=0)
12/22/02 20:56:47 00000590 mephbot: Arrived in Durance 3
12/22/02 20:56:47 00000590 mephbot: Sending d2hackit command "pickit activate"
12/22/02 20:56:47 00000590 mephbot: ***** Changing state to ***** Casting protection
and thats not even one full run so you see how fast its gonna fill your memory up it has to keep this log open to update it with every move just slamming your ram full of useless information