I recently got my D2 account banned for the second time for you guessed it...Map Hack. I heard Warden was updated and didn't use it at all until I got Video lazy and didn't want to LOOK for stuff. I thought I'd turn it on and use it while thinking "Hey, what are the chances of me getting banned for using it once. and even so, if I do it's just a game." But then I logged on to find out my account was banned. It's funny how a person says it's just a game until their account is banned and they get angry. I decided I may switch to WOW. Any comments on it? Does it suck having to pay to play? I seen those little pre-paid game cards in wal-mart, I might buy those since I don't have a credit card. Any feed back on the game would be great. Thanks......*throws in a :yum*