It is just what u can afford around 500mf if u have a good equip, u can use ist+ist ali on killer hand if u use a bot that change weap on when it are close 2 kill like d2jsp. And it is all about mf u must have items so u survie 2

, u can have mf on merc 2 and stopp attacking when close 2 kill if bot suport that.
But i would say for sorc.
shako + P topaz | 3sock P topaz helm
skuller + P topaz | tal armor + P topaz and belt + amu for +65 mf bonus | 4sock P topaz armor
Chanse guard | Frostburn | magefist |MF glows with res + stats
Soj's | Ravenfrost if u need dex if u use Wizardspike| Nagelring's | Wisp Projector
Tal amu with tal armor and belt for + 65 mf bonus | MF amu with skill + res | Mara
Wartraveler | MF boots with res + faster walk
Tal belt + armor + amu for +65 mf or for dex for Wizardspike | Goldwarp
Oculus + Liddles | Rhyme | Splendor | IST+IST Ali | Wizardspike | Death's Fathom | Eschuta's Temper
Gheed's Fortune is optionan if u want 2 pick up gheed u cant have it on char.
I Use
Shako + P topaz 74%
Tal armor + P topaz 112%
Chanse guard 40%
Naglerings's arond 58%
Tal amu +65%mf bonus
Wartraveler 47%
Tal belt 13%
Oculus + Lidles + P dimond in lidles 50% | IST+IST+Ali + Splendor (kill hand) 164%
Gheed's Fortune 39%
Some small mf, res and life charms.
Total mf arond 500%mf first hand | over 600%mf on kill hand
And i get alot of stuff from meph only boting on him cuz my orb sorc works bad with multi mf script :-/