I'd like to see raiders ensnare nerfed. I mean Human only has 2 ways to stop stuns... with Storm Bolt, or Bash, and Orc already has 2 ways as wells, with Hex and Stomp. Why ensnare needs to stop channeling beats me. I also think the duration is too long, especially on heroes.
I'd like to see cluster rockets buffed either in damage or stun length or both...
Frost armor needs a major buff, since it's complete fawk if the enemy does not use melee units. Maybe all units, even ranged, that TOUCH the unit gets slowed. Of course, they would have to increase mana cost...
I'd like footmen to be buffed as well, since knights are faster, tougher and do more damage.
I'd like huntress armor change from unarmored to something else. It seems Elf is weak to the very thing they were supposed to specialize in, range.
Blade Master needs a nerf in his Wind Walk ability. I think the bonus damage was okay... but the fact that he can go through units was too much of a boost... and possible buff mirror image, by making it cost less.
I'd like to see both dragonhawks and gyrocopters buffed, as I hardly see them used. Spell steal should cost less and so should summon steal.
I'd like a slight nerf to chims as they do plenty of damage and splash, as wyrms, yet they are much easier to tech to, and they cost less money and food.
I'd like to see ancient protectors buffed a bit, to encourage people to use them.
Cannon towers also need a boost as not only do they lose the ability to attack ground, also the splash can really mess up your own units. I think they should reduce the price or build time or possibly both.
I'd like far sight to cost less initial mana, as it's weak compared to wolves or lightning.
I'd like plague to do damage faster, in battle where it matters, since initial unit regeneration will negate the damage. plague should do damage like the fire ability of demolishers. I would even argue to make it do MORE damage than demolishers as demos come from barracks, meaning you don't need to make any more buildings at tier 2.
I think the meat wagon overall needs a better boost as demolishers get an awesome fire ablity AND they come the barracks, meaning no additional buildings. Glaive throwers show up at tier 1 AND they get a good impale ability at tier 2. The mortar team is biologically which means you don't need to repair it and you can heal it and buff it easily. The meat wagon however does NOT come at any barracks, NOR is it biological, and plague takes too long to do any damage. They are made at the slaughter house which only produces that or statues at tier 2, meaning it basically sits there at tier 2... I mean if you are going to make it the hardest to get, while not getting any benefits like the mortar teams, MAKE IT BETTER.
Animate dead sucks balls, revert back to the units that are NOT invincible and make the timer last longer as enemies can just run away. Also, if a caster is raised, THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO USE SPELLS. I mean an ultimate that raises casters that can't do spells is not worth using. If that proves to be far too powerful, make it so casters are raised only if there are no other units around.
Cannabalize is great... for ghouls. For aboms, it's gonna take you 30 seconds just to heal 500 hp. I'd like it so cannabalize heals a percentage of your hit points, so it's actually worth using on abominations.
I think speed is too important in this game, so remove the speed bonus on both endurance and unholy auras. This way, people don't rely on those heroes as much, DK especially. This would get people to try out death pact more often instead of just aura. As for the orcs, they already have speed scrolls, so no harm there.
Mana shield on the naga needs a buff as it's always better to have frost arrows and forked lightning.
I think that rain of fire on the pit lord needs buffing as it's a spell that does NOT suit him as he is a melee tanker, and doesn't have much mana. I'd like it to do LESS damage than blizzard, HOWEVER, costing less mana. This way, you don't have to save it for only certain situations.
I'd like to see both the incinerate and soul burn spells on the fire lord buffed. Incinerate could be weaker, however, it should cost less mana. Soul burn should be as powerful as lava spawn.
On the alchemist, I think that healing spray should be buffed as it is too difficult to use in battle. Maybe it could only heal friendly units?
As for shop items, I think the Undead need healing at tier 1, besides blight. I think orc items are very good compared to the other races. Staff of preseration is amazing with units like mountain giants, chimaeras or bears, so it should be nerfed in that it takes a second or 2 to wait and send it back to base, which is similar to tp. Staff of sanctuary could also use this nerf as well.
And finally, give overall nerfs to the popular heroes like the AM, DK, FS, so people don't always have to rely on the same used strategies to win.