Street Fighter Anyone?


BattleForums Member
Oct 9, 2003
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Glendale, California
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I used to back away from these games a while ago. I thought their graphics sucked, the story was cheese, the characters were goofy and the moves were insanely hard to do.

But I kept playing and learning.

Now I can do those 360 joystick moves. It's been quite a journey, but it has been rewarding. It's the best when you see people at the arcades and you play them and you win.

Of the ones I've seen:

- Capcom Vs. SNK 2
- Street Fighter 3: Third Strike
- Marvel Vs. Capcom 2

CvS2 is a fun game. It has tons of characters from the SF as well as the KoF series. I like Guile, Yun and Bison. It also has 6 grooves to master. It's quite a lot of content to hold in.

SF3 is a great game. The balance is pretty tight, though some characters like Chun-Li are very good. The graphics are among the best in 2D fighters. The characters have unique styles and music. It's a great game.

MvC2 is fun, but it can be very hectic with lasers, missiles and who-knows-what going everywhere. People who are good at this game can see through walls. I'm not too great with this game.

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