unused hero skills
I have noticed some very good hero skills are often over looked, such as force of nature and evasion for elf. Death pact and dark ritual for undead, war stomp and wind walk for orc, and finally thunder clap, and holy light for humans. This strategy is to discuss the uses of such skills.
Night Elf:
Keeper of the Grove
The keeper is an exceptional hero, but is only good if you are a micro player, if you not read about the demon hunter not the keeper. Everyone knows entangle is good for harassing and about how thorns aura can easily turn the tides of battle against skeletons especially, but for that matter against almost any unit, i have taken out 12 hunts with 3 dryads and level 10 keeper before, and no i did not use treants. But this section of my hero tips is about treants especially, most people think that treants are weak and useless, to some extent those people are right, but treants are very good for damage soaking, and for defending your hero, basically at level 5 my keeper will have 3 into force of nature and 2 into entagle, now this combo makes your keeper quite formidable, he can harass quite well with these skills, cast treants to soak damage and draw attention away from your hero then entangle as many units as you can and run away, lather rinse repeat, continue this for some time if you want to annoy the hell out of your opponents and acutally take out a fair ammount of units. Treants have other uses as well but that is the use i will discuss.
Demon Hunter:
USE EVASION i cant stress that enough, i use evasion all the time, it is always my first skill no matter what. Immolation is often lightly used as well, dont under estimate it, it can be very useful against skeletons, ghouls and other weak units, taking out archers is very easy with high level immolation. The latest patch has made mana burn weak so i would not suggest using it.
Mountain King:
Thunder clap is probably the best area effect skill a melee unit has, its deals a formidable ammount of damage and has a very long stun at high level, this is good for stop ultimates such as death and decay, earthquake, starfall, and tranquilty. Use it where needed on ultimates you can stop all the time. If you are ghouls rushed you can stop it in its tracks with level one thunder clap, stun the ghouls and then call to arms, i have taken out 6 ghouls and a hero with my MK and militia. Remember your heros can take alot of punishment if you micro correctly.
If you go mass footmen you need a paladin, and if you have a paladin you NEED holy light, it kills undead and heals you what better explanation do you need. You need to know how to micro, a very interesting thing i learned the other day, you dont need to click on the unit when casting holy light, just select your footmen and paladin and click on the portrait of the injured footmen, this can make your rush alot strong and make it last alot longer.
Well since i typed this all at once my hands are getting tired so i will post orc and undead another day. Hope this helps make use of your heros more.