From my past experience I think 1123581321345589 has had traumatizing events happen to him in the past. I suggest we make a therapy appointment for him to see what has happened to him in the past.
OMG NumBer BoYY is so seksI ohH Y3ah I luV you dude OMG Omg OImg I luV you dude. I want to carESs his seKSi Numberrs sO mucH. OMG Omg Omg OMG Omg Omg Omg I'll give You a Number 1123581321345589... 69 oH yeAh dUde 69 and 69 and 69 all nIght Long oh yeAh. How aBout you, Nostalgia, Viz, anD me do a foUrsome. Oh YeaH foursome.
So do we have him in for therapy?