State of the Union


Premium Member
Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
It is about an hour in.

Anyone who is watching... Did anyone else notice during one of the applause breaks Bob Dole slapping his dull pen holding fist? Damn near **** myself laughing at that one.

As I might of guessed most of the people on this site are either too young to get interested in politics or are just like most American's...they see the surface and place blame on the ones who make the decisions.

If people can dig deep enough to see why our country is in this slump they will be able to understand the plight of our leader.


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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If you really think you are going to gain anything from the state of the union you are either; too young or too unaware of politics, to make an informed decision on why people choose not to watch the state of the union address.


Premium Member
Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
HA they just showed BoB dole again.

I am well aware State of the Union Addresses have become more of a formality at this point. Try to boost moral by having the figurehead of our country read the words of someone much more educated than the one speaking them.

Did you see bob dole slap his fisty-cuff?

RoaCh of DisCord

Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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I watched really didn't give much insight/resolution to anything. It seemed just like the other state of the union speech he did..just a bit different, perhaps a bit more thought out and planned. Nothing new, nothing truly important.

Bush is a douche.


Premium Member
Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
Should I of subtitled it "Bob Dole slapping his limp limb?"

I merely only commented on politics because it is the State of the Union and the fact that his speech intrigued me with his insights on the war.

I have been pro bush and support the War since 9/11, but mainly this thread is laughing at the fact that bob dole claps his thigh or fist.

It also saddens me how people are so proud to be Anti bush and the democrats such as Clinton use "This is Bush's last state of the union speech" to rally her own campaign.

These presidential hopefuls are using Bush and the war as their main staples when in reality they can do NOTHING about it. Who ever takes the presidency will NOT pull out of the war immediately because it can't be done.

Now please. This is not the Arcane Sanc.... so lets all regale in the fact bob dole can't use his right hand.


BattleForums Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
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I watched really didn't give much insight/resolution to anything. It seemed just like the other state of the union speech he did..just a bit different, perhaps a bit more thought out and planned. Nothing new, nothing truly important.

Bush is a douche.
Let me guess.. you think that the war in Iraq is Bush's fault right? And that the $400 billion deficit is his fault right?

Ignorant ****.


Retired Staff
Feb 18, 2003
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Let me guess.. you think that the war in Iraq is Bush's fault right? And that the $400 billion deficit is his fault right?

Ignorant ****.
This dude clearly knows **** about politics and I would not mess with him otherwise you risk ridicule.


Jan 23, 2003
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This dude clearly knows **** about politics and I would not mess with him otherwise you risk ridicule.
and the mexicans are stealing all of our jobs...

all i know: 300 dollar refund(thats what it is right? or is it something else..mail in rebate? :) ) is good


BattleForums Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
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Good for us.. dumb of the government.

But ****, 300 bucks is 300 bucks.

RoaCh of DisCord

Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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This dude clearly knows **** about politics and I would not mess with him otherwise you risk ridicule.
I know dude. I'm not frontin' yo.

..and did I say anything about the war, Sakuhta? You dumb ****.

See..I can be hostile with text too. Don't **** wit this.


Premium Member
Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
Personally I think Paying off people's bills will do better to stimulate economy... When people get large sums of money they tend to abuse it. I think its $600

So no one else saw Bob Dole?


Respected Member
Jun 7, 2003
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Washington D.C
Apparently someone's solved the business cycle... if we just keep printing money every time the economy slows down and just give it away we'll never have a recession again... and while we're at it, let's subsidize unemployment and create even more incentives to be unemployed... and we might as well throw static's paying off of bills to stimulate the economy because that makes just as much sense. Let's all take pride that when we're getting royally screwed that it's done in a bipartisan manner.


Premium Member
Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
Well since your first to toss blame which direction does your stone fall tipsy?

My beliefs are that the criminals are bringing this country down. Sure, I am aware that no one problem can bring a country or anything for that matter down, but it can bog it down.

Inmates spend years even decades on death row just to get a very expensive shot when a length of rope is mere pennies in comparison.

The criminals of this country abuse our countries compassion for the criminals are only a "victim of circumstance" and they should be treated with respect and dignity.

The costs of housings these tens of thousands of criminals, the meals to feed them, the guards to watch them, and the police to incarcerate them costs this country millions upon millions each year.

It if very difficult to to balance a War overseas, A war with criminals on our land, illegal immigration, and so on and so on.

Now Immigration is what makes this country what it is. But it is the Criminal immigrants such and Mexican gangs, Russian Mafia, and those GODDAMN Canadians boasting how their country has it better(don't throw this in my face if you can';t see it for what it is) that come to America to gain only for themselves and not the betterment of the country. They wish to drain the sympathies which makes us open our humble arms to the people who actually want to do good and make a live for themselves.

The Law system if Flawed out the ******* to the point where you have to give a man 10 "LIFE" sentences just to keep them in jail for the remainder of their "LIFE"

Street Criminals turn to crime for the money and lifestyle. Crime brings them money, food, and the excitement of living the day like its the last. Jail brings shelter, food, and excitement of living the day likes its the last( for the hardened gang criminals)

Then there is our War on Terror.... Most Americans would of been fine if we sat and did nothing just waiting for another attack.

Its the problem with Americans, they have no problem helping those good for nothing Africans Who self perpetuate their own problem by constantly reproducing. JUST PULL YOUR DICK OUT!!!!

But we have a stern problem with helping people who are being starved by a bloodthirsty dictator.

The majority don't understand by making a democracy and pushing the rebels out of that area we create a small stronghold of peace in that area who will be allies to us, and us to them.


Respected Member
Jun 7, 2003
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Washington D.C
Static said:
Well since your first to toss blame which direction does your stone fall tipsy?
I wasn't assigning blame as much as I was describing the economic 'stimulus' package sarcastically. Though in terms of the economy (what I brought up) I blame the Greenspan/Bernanke because they pursued a policy of bailing people out after the dot com bubble and stated they would continue to use the power of the fed to mitigate fallout and created a moral hazard and eventually lead to the creation of the housing bubble. The housing bubble caused a misallocation of resources within the economy and now we're probably going into a recession since the plan to stimulate the economy now attempts to create an expansion in businesses to stimulate the economy by a temporary increase in sales, something that people really aren't stupid enough to do even if most of the spending wasn't predicted to be going to foreign produced goods (hence they don't cause a short term increase in profits in our economy, but in foreign economies that we buy goods from). Then again, blame could be pushed back further to who put these people in a position of power and so forth or the structure of the fed itself, but I'll stick with using them as people to blame for simplicity.

Static said:
My beliefs are that the criminals are bringing this country down. Sure, I am aware that no one problem can bring a country or anything for that matter down, but it can bog it down.

Inmates spend years even decades on death row just to get a very expensive shot when a length of rope is mere pennies in comparison.

The criminals of this country abuse our countries compassion for the criminals are only a "victim of circumstance" and they should be treated with respect and dignity.

The costs of housings these tens of thousands of criminals, the meals to feed them, the guards to watch them, and the police to incarcerate them costs this country millions upon millions each year.


The Law system if Flawed out the ******* to the point where you have to give a man 10 "LIFE" sentences just to keep them in jail for the remainder of their "LIFE"
What exactly makes this such an important problem? In terms of money, it would be overstating how important this is by even calling it a drop in the bucket. Is it inefficient and needs to be fixed? Yes, however it doesn't seem like it would be large enough of a problem to either bog or bring the country down.

Static said:
It if very difficult to to balance a War overseas, A war with criminals on our land, illegal immigration, and so on and so on.
Then why not combat terrorism, criminals, and illegal immigration by not fighting a war overseas? Right now, a good deal of our boarder guards are in Iraq guarding the Iraqi boarder. I'd say that makes us more vulnerable to terrorism as well as allows illegal immigration that could be cut back even if just by a little. National priorities can be helped by not spending what money we do have on useless and inefficient endeavors both our of the country and large portions of useless and/or inefficient domestic programs and regulations.

Static said:
Now Immigration is what makes this country what it is. But it is the Criminal immigrants such and Mexican gangs, Russian Mafia, and those GODDAMN Canadians boasting how their country has it better(don't throw this in my face if you can';t see it for what it is) that come to America to gain only for themselves and not the betterment of the country. They wish to drain the sympathies which makes us open our humble arms to the people who actually want to do good and make a live for themselves.
Let's regulate immigration by using the resources we have overseas at home - money, equipment, personnel, etc.

Static said:
Street Criminals turn to crime for the money and lifestyle. Crime brings them money, food, and the excitement of living the day like its the last. Jail brings shelter, food, and excitement of living the day likes its the last( for the hardened gang criminals)
Have a source that makes you reach that conclusion on why criminals act that way?

Static said:
Then there is our War on Terror.... Most Americans would of been fine if we sat and did nothing just waiting for another attack.
That, or maybe using our boarder guard to defend our boarder, maybe use our national guard to defend our nation, or use our tax dollars to set up a system to make sure people we don't want to get in our country don't get int?

Static said:
Its the problem with Americans, they have no problem helping those good for nothing Africans Who self perpetuate their own problem by constantly reproducing. JUST PULL YOUR DICK OUT!!!!

But we have a stern problem with helping people who are being starved by a bloodthirsty dictator.

The majority don't understand by making a democracy and pushing the rebels out of that area we create a small stronghold of peace in that area who will be allies to us, and us to them.
How many lives have been directly lost by sending aid to Africa? Not that I support doing it through the government, but that's probably a reason why Americans have a different view of helping the people there. As for Iraq, the choices aren't 1) leave or 2) make Iraq a safe stable democracy who is an ally of the United States; it's not even clear if the second option is possible anymore and many people judge that even if it is, if costs remain near the current level it isn't worth it to them.

RoaCh of DisCord

Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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Watch out tipsy, Sakuhta will slap you down with his logical thinking.


Premium Member
Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
tipsy said:
What exactly makes this such an important problem? In terms of money, it would be overstating how important this is by even calling it a drop in the bucket. Is it inefficient and needs to be fixed? Yes, however it doesn't seem like it would be large enough of a problem to either bog or bring the country down.
True this is not one of the biggest problems we have but stacked with others it creates problems. "Life in prison" is no longer a deterrent to crime anymore. They seem to enjoy prison life and what it brings them, in prison gangs and more "street rep" when they get out. That or they come out rappers set to make millions.

tipsy said:
Have a source that makes you reach that conclusion on why criminals act that way?
I don't need a source when I fully understand the natural progression of human psyche and logic. You know this too.

Let me use the stereotypical black criminal. Coming from a broken home, mainly with no father with just a mother struggling to keep them alive, sometimes not even having a mother that good to care for them. They look towards their friends, now assuming all the friends are older and into crime the young meandering boy looks up to them and wants to be them and in turn becomes a "victim of circumstance."

Now that is not always the case but mainly that is how street gangs get their numbers. Bloods, crips, Mexican mafia, Mexican Noestra familia, all those gangs bassically brainwash little kids(young teens)into that lifestyle.\

While their are other types of criminals it is that generalization of criminal that overrun our prisons and take our tax dollars.

tipsy said:
Let's regulate immigration by using the resources we have overseas at home - money, equipment, personnel, etc.
Even before the war illegal immigrants were pouring in. Our country itself is too overly compassionate, we don't see a problem until it properly presents itself and usually it is too late.

I think instead of border patrol we have immigrant hunters. Look for the immigrants all across the southern line and clean from the bottom up deporting all those who do NOTHING for the country. Because lets face it, there are some illegal immigrants who don't speak English but still help our country run.

How many lives have been directly lost by sending aid to Africa? Not that I support doing it through the government, but that's probably a reason why Americans have a different view of helping the people there. As for Iraq, the choices aren't 1) leave or 2) make Iraq a safe stable democracy who is an ally of the United States; it's not even clear if the second option is possible anymore and many people judge that even if it is, if costs remain near the current level it isn't worth it to them.
Well lives lost are a staple of what makes humanity what it is. History has shown while humanity presses on it loses it's number. I am not saying their deaths should be brushed off but war is war and its what happens.

But if we look at it from a futility stand point American's with all our money just help the africans to make ourselves feel better because 10 dollars a month goes a long way for %0.0008 of the population. (a number i pulled out my arse but you see my point i assume)

We are too high in power as Americans(political part of USA) to just say what we really need to do.

We need to wipe out every single piece of Terrorist trash until there are none left. But that in itself is futile. The terrorist are natural cowards. Blending into the crowds until they feel a target is big enough to go AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BoOM!


BattleForums Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
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Watch out tipsy, Sakuhta will slap you down with his logical thinking.
Shutup you hostile ****. **** **** ****. **** ****! *****. (lol...)

But seriously, what Tipsy said is generally correct. What people don't understand is that the United States is in a desperate NEED of a recession. The dollar NEEDS to drop so that we can increase domestic production and begin to step up our exports once more. If things go further down the road they are currently in and it goes too far, we'll get to a point where we depend entirely on foreign imports and the dollar will stagnate to a point where the European market will not need us anymore. If we let the dollar drop out now, we can increase the strength of our domestic economy and the next time the dollar resurges as the global currency (it will have a massive fallout once OPEC changes to the Euro) it will be stronger than ever and more resilient to foreign crisis.

The only thing currently standing in our way of banning OPEC from using the dollar and dropping into a much needed recession is our dependence on foreign oil. $12 a gallon will not be pretty, we desperately need to develop better technology to retrieve the massive amounts of oil in the Canadian tar pits, and we need to retract many of our land preservation acts and begin to drill oil on the East and West coasts, and most of all Alaska. There is plenty of oil in these areas and the national reserve to hold us until we can completely rid ourselves of the need for crude oil on a national level.

RoaCh of DisCord

Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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