how to get items when u start d2 and how to become godly i stated ladder about a month ago best thing i fond out is that u can get good stuff 4 gold it takes time unless u have a bot :mean people pay alot 4 warcry weapones and yes wit out a bot it takes 4 ever to find warcry weapones but if u do buy them good way to start off and its eazy to get to hell theres alot of people willing to rush u mainly 4 ur forge u can get to hell easy and can somone post a shopit bot that be nice now the hard part is when u got gear to mf like occy orb shako and so on and so on now how to become godly like getting enigma and shit well i think runes is best bet to trade wit then 32020's or 290's i rather us sojs i got 2 zods 4 2 ists and 2 sojs i think the only way to become godly is to collect high runes well if u have a friend rush your charaters u can do hell forge is best way or get a hammerdin and alot of rejs to do pit runes i dont know any other way to become godly feel free to post if u know a quick way to get okay items and a way to become godly